I. Hello I'm- Hey Look At That You're Bleeding

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So Monday morning I woke up just before breakfast started, yelled at Alexander and the rest of my cabin to wake up. I went to the bathroom, thanks to the models Annabeth had made for the minor gods we got the perks of having a bathroom in the cabin. I looked in the mirror saw my hair was all over the place and looked like I had just gotten into a fight with a hobo just the way I liked it! I saw the usual bags under my eyes it seemed no matter how much sleep I got it was never enough.

I ran out of my cabin and ran into a very familiar face.

"Hey Connor"

"My my, it looks like someone actually managed to get out of bed" he smirked

Well I was too busy making sure my hair would scare away strangers"

He laughed as we passed a camper. I saw him put his hand in their pocket and grab something

"What did you get? " I said as he rummaged through the contents of a wallet.

"Nothing good"

He ran away and stuffed the wallet into the campers pocket.

"Well see you, Stoll"

I ran off to eat at my table I saw Alexander, Charlotte, and Thomas my three half-siblings. We all had a couple defining features about us we all had shockingly white hair, Thomas Alexander, and Charlotte all had pale blue eyes, while I had amethyst purple eyes. It made me stick out even more than I usually did even among my family. After breakfast we had class, we had sword skills. Pretty much we were dueling other campers.

I was paired with an Iris child they may not look scary but some are terrifying. She held her sword at me we were learning how to disarm. I was somewhere lost in my thoughts probably thinking about what prank I should pull with or on Connor. I felt a slight jab on my nose. Apparently, my sword had been disarmed wrong so her blade bounced off mine and went and flew to my nose. At first, she had a smile of victory since my sword was on the ground then she looked up at me, her face instantly paled, I was confused as to what was happening

"What, is there something on my face?"

Then I felt a drop of liquid in my nose and instantly I knew what happened my nose was bleeding.

I was brought to the infirmary. "

Can I have some Ambrosia?" I asked a child of Apollo

"It's not that bad the sword barely did anything to you"

"Well I like the taste of Ambrosia"

"What does it taste like to you?"

"Raspberries, lemons and oranges, and a chocolate chip cookie all mixed into one"


He continued to say

"I'm not actually sure why you started to bleed, the sword really only nipped you."

"I have a sensitive nose, okay!"

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