VIII: Pretty Please With a Cherry on Top

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I now had to both approach and convince Gardiner to come on this quest while Connor stands from affair watching me and cheering me on. I was doomed.

"So how's life"

"Why are you in my sight and not trembling in fear?"

"Oh no I am I'm just doing it internally"

"Great, so why are you here child"

"Okay I'm two years younger than you I'm not a child!"

"A child is anyone under the age of 18" she smiled sweetly

"You're impossible"

"Am I? "

"I give up, Connor she's all yours"

She started blushing

"Oh so that's how it is"

"Shut up"

She punched me on the arm

"I've been given a prophecy, I need to bring a child of Hermes and a child of Demeter. I'm clearly being Connor and he asked me to bring you"


"Pretty please"


"With a cherry on top?"

"So you want me to go?"

"No, but if you don't go he'll complain the entire time and I'll have to kidnap one of your brothers or sisters"

"Like you could manage to steal one of them, if you tried I would bite you"

"So are you going?"

"Fine nerd I'll go, but I'm not going for you I'm going for Connor he's like an adorable little puppy"

"That's how he convinced me to take you"

"Makes sense"

"I feel like we should probably start heading out, and tell Connor"

"Yeah let's go"

So Miranda and I walked towards Connor to tell him the "great" news.

A/n Thank you all for reading this book for the comments that occur occasionally, for the views and the vote thank you

Question: What do you think of Miranda?

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