"Hermione!" everyone yelled.

"I missed you all so much!" I cried.

"How are you, 'Mione?" Ron asked.

"..." I didn't really know how to respond to that question, how was I? Depressed? Excited? Nervous? Ron seemed to notice I wasn't comfortable answering that question.

"Never mind," he muttered.

"I am so glad they let us come back to Hogwarts for our last year!" Harry jumped in, relieving some of the tension.

"How could they have refused you three, you're the Golden Trio who defeated Voldemort," Ginny rolled her eyes playfully, she was also going to complete her last year, considering last year, what with all the torture encouragement, she never really got along to learning much. 

She and Harry were now dating. It made me a little uncomfortable because I wasn't sure what I and Ron were, if we were anything at all. He certainly hadn't mentioned it. Last year, I realized I loved him, now, however, I'm pretty sure I only love him and Harry like brothers.

"I guess that's true," Me, Harry, and Ron said, almost in unison. We all laughed. I was so excited to start a new year, a normal year, with my friends, my family. We all kept chatting and catching up and laughing so much that no one noticed someone watching with envy of their friendship...

*Draco POV*

I watched the "Golden Trio" have their get together and it made me jealous. Sometimes I felt that their friendship could stay perfect through everything and that I would never have anything even remotely close to that. 

My mother hadn't come with me to the station because she spent almost all of her time locked in her library or her room. I was alone, and many people in close proximity shuffled away in fear that I would whip out my wand and summon the Dark Lord or something. Those who weren't afraid of me, such as parents of my fellow Slytherins, were giving me looks full of pity. 

I sneered my famous Malfoy sneer, And everyone looked away. I didn't want their pity, didn't need their pity, I was a Malfoy and proud. I would change the way everyone saw us if it was the last thing I did. 

I stood around waiting for the Hogwarts Express. It finally arrived, the scarlet engine was bursting steam, and it made me smile. Not to sound like a cliche, Hogwarts had always seemed like a second home to me, and the train was where I first met Blaise, Daphne, Astoria, Vincent, Gregory, and even Pansy.

I got on the train and began looking for a compartment. I sat down early because I knew no one, would accept me into theirs. The door to the compartment opened and I saw Potter with Weasel and Granger behind him.

"Sorry, Malfoy," Potter said with his voice full of venom.

"We didn't realize there was a ferret sitting here." Weasel spat. I looked down, not wanting to start fighting with them again. I waited for Granger to insult me too. It never came. I looked back up, she was just standing there, looking at the floor. I gave her a small smile of thanks. She wouldn't meet my eyes with her chocolate ones.

"What are you looking for ferret?" Weasel question accusingly, "Something funny?"

"No," I replied. They left and slammed the compartment door closed.

An hour or so later, the door opened again, I braced myself fearing the worst. When I saw who it was, I smiled. It was Blaise and Daphne.

"Hey Draco, how are you feeling?" Daphne asked sympathetically. She was pitying me too, great.

"Just peachy, everyone hates me, my fathers in jail and my mother is depressed," I snarled.

"No need to lash out at us, mate, we're on your side," Blaise responded as Daphne looked down awkwardly.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"It's alright," they replied in unison. We continued to talk. It wasn't as relaxed as when Potter chatted with his gang, but to me, this was the most meaningful conversation ever, because it proved that these people actually liked me. It was refreshing.

*Hermione POV*

"It was weird how Malfoy just sat there. Right? I mean he didn't call me a mudblood, or you a weasel, I wonder what happened," I pointed out.

"I don't care what happened, he probably deserved it anyway. I don't know what McGonagall was thinking, letting him back in," Ron ranted.

"Leave him alone," I yelled out of nowhere. Ron and Harry both stared at me open-mouthed. I stuttered,

"I-I mean that his father is in jail and everyone hates him now. I feel sorry for him..." I trailed off realizing they wouldn't understand.

"He had it coming to him," Ron started.

"Just drop it mate," Harry said. I looked at him gratefully. Speak of the devil, the door opened and Malfoy, Zabini, and Greengrass were standing there. Zabini and Greengrass seemed to be waiting for Malfoy to speak and kept looking at him expectantly.

"So, H-Hermione, H-harry, R-r-Ron" Malfoy stuttered, having a lot of trouble with Ron's name. We all gasped, he had said our first names.

"What?" Ron said coldly.

"I realize how much of a prat and a stupid git I've been of the past eight years, and I am very s-sorry, and I know it's really unforgivable, but if you could find it in your hearts to try..." Malfoy whispered and trailed off. Greengrass and Zabini nodded slowly. I couldn't believe it, was it real? Or just some Malfoy mind games?

"I don't believe you, I think this is another one of your plots to torture us, but it won't work," Harry said menacingly. I saw Malfoy's shoulders slump considerably, making his handsome face sag into sadness. Did I seriously just think that? No, this wasn't an act, this really seemed real.

"Get out, you're starting to really ruin the decor," Ron sneered.

"No," I said quietly.

"What?" said Harry, Ron, and Malfoy.

"No, don't leave yet, I know I shouldn't be forgiving you, after all the times you called me a mudblood, or a beaver, or an insufferable know-it-all," Malfoy flinched, but I continued, "but I think everyone deserves a second chance, so I forgive you." I paused, but when I saw no one was talking. Malfoy didn't seem to believe it, Harry and Ron were trying to wake themselves up, thinking this was a nightmare where I was turning on them or something. I rolled my eyes, "But rest assured, if you, any of you, break my trust, I will not be so forgiving next time," I finished.

"You can't be serious..." Ron started.

"Thank you, Hermione," Malfoy, Draco whispered. Then, He and his gang left.

Oh dear, now Harry and Ron were going to kill me. But they seemed speechless. They started talking about Quidditch. I sighed, they were ignoring me, whatever. I went to the bathroom to go change into my school robes. When I came back, they were pointedly not looking at me. This was going to be a long year...

*Draco POV*

I couldn't believe it, I had planned it, but of the three, I thought she'd be the least willing to forgive and forget. I had been the most terrible to her, maybe at some point, we'd be friends. I loved how she challenged me intellectually. However now Potter and Weasley would probably hate me even more, I realized. This was going to be a long year...

A/N So this was my first chapter, I really hope you liked it, Not all of my chapters will be the same length. Some will be longer, some shorter. I really hope you will keep reading. This chapter contains 2010 words, YAY! I do not own any of these characters, That's all J.K.

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