Alex didn't believe it at first but then he bought it once I showed him my tattoo thingie. You know the thing on my ankle? Yeah, that. Then he believed it.

They're pretty gullible. If the positions were reversed I wouldn't have believed them.

I can't believe I just told them everything. Like what was I even thinking? I wasn't thinking. The words just came right out before I could filter them.

Do you know what song the word "filter" reminds me of?

Let Me Take A Selfie.

"Hellooooo...?" I called out.

People had left the restraunt and new customers were in but we were still here. We had only ordered a couple drinks and I think the staff was getting pretty damn annoyed. They would come and ask us if we were ready to order but every time we would say we needed a few extra minutes.

A moment passed. Then another. Then another.

So many moments passed. . .years passed. . .decades passed. . .the twins die. . .Caelum dies. . .a century passes. . .I die.

JUST KIDDING! We are still alive and its only been like two minutes I think.

The blondies were still in that weird trance thing and it was getting seriously freaky.

So I picked up two glasses of water, leaning over, and dumped them on their heads.They both jumped, startled. The look on their faces was priceless.

"My makeup is ruined! And my hair is soggy." Ali shrieked. Her shriek was so high pitched I think a few glasses shattered.

I covered my ears, "Could you shut up?"

Alex started wiping his glasses on his shirt while glaring at us, but his glare wasn't scary at all. It was like a cute little kitten trying to look intimidating - it just doesn't work.

Yeah, Alex totally reminds me of a kitten.

He's like one of those little blonde kitties that are absolutely adorable and cuddly. The kind that are so cute you could just eat them!

Alexandra on the other hand is those fucking annoying ones that meow all night and don't let you sleep. The kind where you just want to rip their fur out.

Alex looked at an expensive watch on his wrist and his eyes widened, "Ali we need to get going! It's really late."

I jumped up in front of them, "You can't leave. You have to come with us." I told him. See, the problem is they would probably tell people. We can't have a lot of people knowing we are here. If demons find out they'll probably send some to kill us and if wizards find out they'll probably get really mad.

Alex's eyes widened even more, "What? No way! I am l-leaving."

I glanced at a very angry Caelum, "Suit yourself."

"Pick them up Caelum."

* * *

"This is kidnap." Alex yelled.

"Cool." I replied.

"My parents will be worried."

"Sucks for them."

"Can I have my wand back?"


"I want my mommy."

"Alex just shut up."

He crossed his arms. Surprisingly though, he didn't look that upset or sad.

Ali was crying but not because we had taken them, but because her makeup was ruined.

After walking a bit with our super speed we had made it to the edge of the town, where no one would see Caelum shift.

Caelum tossed the two onto the floor, very roughly. He wasn't really in a good mood. Maybe he's on his man period. I call it a "pan". I guess it could be meriod but pan just has swag.

He shifted and the transformation from human form to dragon was pretty. . . freaky.

Wings sprouted from his shoulder blades. His skin turned into scales. His arms elongated and his hands became claws. Everything of his became bigger. [Probably his dick too, if you were wondering.]

Caelum was now towering over us in dragon form. Caelum and Ali were staring at him in shock.

"H-he's your-r dragon-n?" Alex stuttered out, adjusting his glasses, "That d-defies all t-the law-s of shapeshifting-g!"

"Yes, he is." I stated proudly, my eyes connecting with the huge dragon in front of me.

Caelum's eyes lit up at my comment. Probably because his master, me, was proud to have him. Because no matter how sexy his human form might be, he's part animal, part pet, and pet's love getting praise from their master.

'Where are we going next?' Caelum asked in my head.

"I have absolutely no idea."


These were some predictions about what is going to happen..

I'm just going to say most of those are wrong. So keep on guessing!

You know what is really annoying? So before you started reading this book you read the summary right? Well the first part/chapter of my book is the summary. The funny thing is, I have 26,000 reads on the summary yet only 12,000 reads on chapter 1! So 14,000 people read the summary (again) and then decided they wont go on. Ugh like no. If I didn't have the summary as like a prologue then u would have just read chapter 1. If you actually understood this paragraph then comment, "Wolvens"

Thoughts on this chapter?

By the wayyy Alex looks like Alex Pettyfer BEFORE he went all muscley-machoman-magicmike-dirtyblonde! The pic of what Alex (in the book) looks like is my background pic on my profile soo check it out people!

Thank you everyone for getting me to 140,000 reads!! It feels like just yesterday I was hoping to get 10,000 reads and now im here! The crazy part is, that was only like 2/3 weeks ago!! Once again THANK YOU SO MUCH FUCKING MUCH EVERYONE, I love you all like crazy!!!

Indie x

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