Chapter 10: Sweet Like Kisses

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19th September 2009

"And who is this?" Nicolas asked, raising an eyebrow as he gave Walter a once over. "I don't and will never let strangers into my car unless I know them."

"Walter," the blonde answered, offering his hand to shake. Nicolas looked at it cautiously and back at him. "I'm assuming you're her brother?"

Her brother just nodded, expression grim.

Isla sighed, patted Nicolas' shoulder and said, "Nicky, please tone down the sternness. Walter is absolutely harmless so just let him in the car. I mean, look at the poor guy, you can't expect him to walk home carrying things."

"Fine," her brother said, giving up.

Nicolas rolled his eyes, causing Isla to glare at him. Then, he gestured Walter to get in. The boy got in and made himself comfortable.

It was silence at first until Walter suddenly brought up a topic about girlfriends and the two boys talked casually about it, as though just moments ago Nicolas wasn't giving him a hard time.

All the while Isla just frowned, her temples and the back of her head hurt. She closed her eyes, nodding in agreement at whatever Walter was saying.

"-clearly enough, she must like you a lot to date you. I mean, chicks love guys who are dark and brooding. If I were a girl, I would run the hills for you. I think if Isla wasn't your sister, she would have married you by now," Walter said, grinning at her. "Right, Isla?"

She just nodded, smiling. Isla was quite suprised that Walter seemed comfortable around her brother even after the whole intimidating thingy. When the car stopped in front of Walter's apartment, Isla got out to help the boy with the groceries despite her headache.

"Thanks for helping me today," the girl said, handing him the last bag.

Walter hummed in response and replied, "That man at the store today. If he does anything to you, don't hesitate to report to the police. He's dangerous."

Isla nodded. Just when she was about to leave, the girl looked up to find a certain brooding figure standing idly by the window, watching their exchange. The blonde man beside her looked up as well, a smirk evident on his face.

The girl shook her head before reaching into her bag and shoved a pink card with blue artificial flowers on it into his free hand. The boy turned to her and stared down at it, confused.

"My sister's wedding. Both of you should come."

He nodded, understanding. Suddenly, Walter leaned in close, his head turned to one side. Isla raised a questioning eyebrow at his actions.

"Come on," he said when she didn't budge. "I saved you today. Its only fair if you reward me with a kiss."

Isla rolled her eyes and pecked him slightly at the cheek before dashing towards the car, her face turning beet red. Walter watched on as the car drove away with a sigh.


19th September 2009

"I like him. He seems like a nice guy," Nicolas muttered, shrugging.

"What is it? You have that look," Isla said, annoyed. Nicolas quickly gave her a brief questioning glance and look forward to drive. "You have something to say because of that judgy face."

"Okay, he is very nice," Nicolas admitted. Then, he sighed. "But his player side is just putting me off, that's all. But overall, he is a good company considering he saved you back there."

"How did you know he's a player? "

"Well, he's too friendly so its no suprise that he was not intimidated by me. He's quite a social butterfly so people tend to be fond of him. Easy to communicate cause he talks a lot," Nicolas said, shrugging. "Do I look intimidating enough just now?"

"Well, a teensy bit," Isla said, wincing. "Aren't you a tad bit worried? That he's a player?"

Silence engulfed them as Nicolas began contemplating. Just when she wanted to ease the tension, he beat her to it.

"No, I'm not worried. Not really to be honest. The dude may be a player but I can see it in your eyes. You're comfortable around him because you know he won't ever hurt you," Nicolas explained. "And I'm satisfied with just that."

Isla smiled at him and continued looking outside the window. She appreciated her brother's opinions but she couldn't imagine what her brother would say if he really met Marc, the boy who hurted her. Isla knew she couldn't hide Marc from him forever. She just had a feeling that they would eventually get to know each other more.

"So-" Nicolas said, noticing that she wasn't focusing. " Tell me what happened back there? The supermarket."

"I ran into Mr. Douchebag," Isla said, softly. "Fortunately, Walter was there to help. I think Antonio broke his jaw but it was nothing a surgery couldn't fix. I mean, I'm sure he has the money for that."

Nicolas chuckled.

"And I invited Walter and his friend to the wedding. The boy you met days ago, Marc."

"Cool, I can't wait to meet him again. Marc is a mystery, eh? Are they alike?"

"To be honest, they're complete opposites."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the apartment on the second floor, the air was so tense that it almost suffocated Walter. The man simply walked into the kitchen with a brooding figure stalking behind him, like a wife furious at her husband.

"What were you doing?"

Walter rolled his eyes, placing the apartment keys and grocery bags onto the kitchen counter. He continued ignoring his friend as he took an apple from the basket and chucked into his mouth, heading towards the living room. He opened the blinds, letting the sunlight and fresh air in.

"Walter," Marc said, expression cold.

Walter kept silent, casually plopping down onto the couch before going through a series of channels on the television. Eventually, he settled for the news.

"What did you do?"

His blonde friend stared at him with a child-like expression and said, "You need to stop blaming me like I did something wrong, Marc. I just got an invitation to a wedding by Isla. You got one too."

"She's getting married?"

Walter dropped the apple onto the couch, clearly amused with the incredulous expression Marc had on. He understood right then why the air was tense in the apartment, someone was riled up with the thought of Isla kissing him.

The blonde man just chuckled, stalked towards Marc and leaned dangerously close. This prompted Marc to step back but Walter caught him at the shoulder with an iron grip. Walter wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, teasing, "Are you jealous?"

Marc DeLuca looked at him in horror.

Walter just laughed before releasing him to step away.

"Isla's sister is getting married actually. And why must you be so tense? I'm not interested in you, dude," he said, shrugging. Suddenly, an idea popped in his head and he leaned towards Marc, kissing him sloppily on the forehead. "From Isla with love."

Marc immediately shoved him away.

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