Author's Note

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Hey everyone!

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Hey everyone!

Its Casey here!

Forgive me for saying this but updates of this story will be put on hold for about a month and half. Exams are just around the corner and after that I'll be travelling to Paris, Spain and Lisbon.

Its a trip to be excited for so don't be suprised if you find a girl in dark blue winter coat collecting snow. Yes. You saw that right. COLLECT SNOW. Its for my friend Rachel because she wants it for Christmas and I have no idea how to preserve it until I get back to Malaysia. Hah! Good luck to me!

Anyways, I will be updating this story more often after that or maybe.. in suprise update it during my trip. So... just stay in touch and I would like to thank you all so much for your support and votes even though there's not much progress. Again, I'm sorry.

Good luck and God bless!

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