Chapter 6: Insect Repellent For Big Bug

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16th September 2009

"Mom, I'm not going to marry him, okay? I hate him and his guts. He is a selfish snob who wants to impregnant me if I marry him. And I bloody reckoned he wants to spread his useless genes around the world and I'm totally against that," he heard the girl yell. Something crashed.

Then an elderly voice said,"I am your mother and you will do as I say. You will marry Antonio. If you can't do that for yourself, then do it for my sake. I can no longer work, Isla. And we still have debts to pay and we will loose this house in a month or two if you don't agree with me. Just marry Antonio."

"I have a job, mom. It will suffice for now. I'll get another job at night. Hell, I would rather work multiple shifts than marry that spoiled rich ignorant selfish douchebag. If you worry much about our debts, why don't you marry him? I'm sure he wouldn't -" He heard a crack.

"Isla!" her mother screamed. "You will not insult your mother and you will go to your room this instant. Now!"

He sneakily glanced in through the window, watching the girl paddling barefooted into the room as she clutched her reddening cheek. An elderly lady was standing amidst all of the shattered glass, rubbing her aching temples.


16th September 2009

She opened her eyes, blinking away the tears as she stared up at her ceiling. She hated the fact that her brain refused to forget the conversation she had had with her mother earlier. More like a fight, she admitted. Isla didn't understand why her mother was adamant with her decision. Its not as though Antonio was an angel. He was - and still is, in fact - the contrary.

A drunk. A cheater. A perpetrator. A snob. A baboon. A ra-

"And the list of inappropriate names goes on," a voice said. Isla sat up, slightly stunned to find her brother framed at her door. Nicolas wore a navy blue waist coat and a pair of black trousers. He still managed to look good despite his dishelved hair and his loose tie. The smell of the cold night wafted in through the room when he approached her with a worried look.

"Nicolas, what are you doing here?" Isla said, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. She despised crying in her siblings' presence. It just showed that she is incapable of living up to her father's expectations. Her brother just sighed and sinked like a rock onto the bed beside her.

You are their hope, their inspiration.

"I just came back from attending a formal event. It was so boring and I got a sense that urged me to come home," Nicolas said, closing his eyes. He looked sad. "I overheard what you guys were fighting about."

"Really? What about?"

"Its Antonio, eh?" Nicolas muttered, opening an eye to look at her. Seeing Isla nod, he closed his eyes again accompanied by a sigh. "To her, everything is about Antonio. Everything you say, she will bring him up. In everything you do, she will bring him up. Its really unfair for you. I mean, when did you two last engaged in a proper mother-daughter talk? Do things that mother and daughters do together?"

She shrugged, not knowing the answer to that question.

Nicolas sighed again and sat up, squeezing her shoulder. Then he said, "She wants you to marry him. Its my fault. I should have returned earlier to back you up. Then maybe, just maybe this won't happen. I'm tired of her demanding you to do this and that. Its unfair. I'm sorry you have to go through this because of me."

"Nicolas. Its not your fault, okay?"

"How is it not?" he said, looking pained. "Give me reasons then I'll shut up."

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