Chapter 33

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After the doctors had finally come into the room, they told the two shivering women to go outside.

First they both refused, but they knew there was no sense in fighting and they sat down on the hallway, leaning their hurting heads onto the wall and facing each other.


Jia looked up surprised.

"What for?"

"For being a better mother, than I have ever been."

"I will never be able to replace you Liling."

"He loves you so much."

"I know... But he needs his real mother too. You can't just let your child alone, when it is sick."

Liling sniffed silently and closed her eyes, as if something hurt her.

"I didn't know what I was doing, I just.."

"pretended as if nothing had happened?"


"I'm sorry to destroy your dreams but your son happened, the tsunami happened, the illness happened. IT'S REALITY."

With that words Jia crawled over to her side and sat down next to her to put her arm around her. She wasn't allowed to give up. Neither him nor herself.

"Reality is cruel. But it's simply the only thing that exists."

Then they wait a for half an eternity in silence, just being there for each other, until the doctors finally opened the door.

The face of the nurse was fatal, the things she said even more. She ended her tragic report with a "It's an illness we have never seen before. It might be dangerous."

It might be.

How Jia hated this sentence.

They stayed at Bo's side the whole afternoon and he was getting worse. From time to time he even screamed of the horrible pain, and when the painkillers finally worked he fell asleep of exhaustion.

"My god, what happened to him?"

Baekhyun rushed into the room and his smile he had while entering vanished quickly. He furrowed his eyebrows worriedly, when they told him everything.

"I guess I can cancel the flight I booked, right?", he stuttered after some minutes of silence.

Jia glanced at him in unbelieve. "You really managed to book a flight?"

Baekhyun nodded slowly, the proud feeling about that was gone. Jia would want to stay with Bo, and the child couldn't fly with these conditions.

"Don't cancel it. I want you and Jongdae to be save. Do you promise, that you'll be save?"

"I would love to promise but I'm not good in looking after people."

"What you've done to Bo, Jongdae and me was amazing. I don't know what we would do without you."

"Jia, don't think of me that way."

"What's wrong Baekhyun?"

"I need to talk to you."

Hmmm what happened?
I'm having a writing flow at the moment please be proud :")

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