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Namjoon was slaying on the dance floor like usual. Taehyung was near him and making fun of his dance moves. The older didn't mind it at all. He enjoyed a lot the other's company. Namjoon could handle alcohol very well, but he decided not to drink alcohol at parties. Taehyung did drink, but never to the point he couldn't think rationally.

Hoseok, for some reason, turned his head to the left and noticed something. Yoongi was sitting right next to him. He was trying to gather all the words that popped up in his head and put them together in a logical manner. He felt the palms of his hands getting sweaty. He took a deep breath. Yoongi noticed him when the other was still walking around the room in an awkward manner. He noticed one of the boyfriends that come to the flower shop to buy flowers with their girlfriends making out with someone that wasn't his girlfriend. He clicked his tongue and took a sip of beer. It tasted horrible in his opinion, but whatever, he wasn't here to enjoy it anyways. When Hoseok turned around and looked at him, Yoongi smiled.

"Good evening." Yoongi said. His tone of voice sounded cold.

"Good evening." Hoseok repeated. He tried his best to look as confident as possible.

"Are you drunk?" The older asked. The black haired boy shook his head. "What's the point of coming to a party, then?"

"Talking with people." The younger answered.

"I don't like talking." The other replied. Hoseok didn't know how to respond to that.

"Then what do you like? You don't seem like the type of person that drinks a lot of alcohol neither."

"I like saying that everything is okay even if it's not true." He said after taking a sip of beer.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He asked gently.

"I don't like talking." The older killed the conversation like that.

"Can I look at you all evening until you go home?"

"Do whatever you want."

Hoseok spent roughly ten minutes staring at the boy. He looked at his eyes, nose, lips and thought that every part of him was so incredibly perfect. He noticed the other dyed his hair again. Yoongi, at first, looked like he didn't care at all, but then he turned towards Hoseok, who was still looking at him, and what was supposed to be an act of the purest love turned into a staring contest. In the end, Yoongi was the one who lost.

"I'm going to get some fresh air. You can continue the staring contest in the garden." Yoongi said as he got up from the chair.

Yoongi left the bottle of beer on the floor and got himself a glass of something stronger. It could have been Vodka or maybe Jack Daniel's; he didn't care. Hoseok followed him, but didn't get anything to drink. He still had an almost full bottle of beer in his hand. Namjoon saw the two of them going to the main entrance of the house and smiled, hoping that nothing bad will happen. Yoongi sat on the stairs in front of the house. It was cold outside and Yoongi wasn't wearing a jacket. He thought he wouldn't need it. Hoseok sat next to him in silence. It was awkward. All Hoseok wanted was to have some kind of conversation with the other.

"You dyed your hair again." The younger said. "It looks good."

"Thanks, I guess." Yoongi said, pulling his shirt's sleeves. It was way colder than he imagined it would be. He took a sip of the alcohol. This one tasted even worse than the beer.

"So... Uhm... What's your favorite color? Mine is green." He tried to keep the conversation going.

"Black." The other stated coldly. Maybe his response wouldn't have been this cold if he had a jacket or hoodie.

Your hair is pretty/I hate your sweater (BTS SOPE/Yoonseok fic)Where stories live. Discover now