"Why mum- " Once he looked up, I took a snap quickly before locking my phone. Peace! "Mummmmmm. Whyyyy?" He whined before trying to unlock my phone but failed terribly.

"You look too cute in it. Okay, let's get baking shall we? I doubt you want Ryan to see you in like that right?" He stared at me in horror before looking at the time.

"Crap! 2 hours left!"

"You can do it!" Cheering for him, he stared at me helplessly when he realised that I wasn't doing anything.

"Aren't you going to help?"

"Mhmmm...only when you're doing it wrong." Things will be much fun like this.

"Riiiight...bully me..." Pouting, he took out the melted butter from the microwave before grabbing all the dry stuffs out.

"Don't worry, I still love you."

"Of course you do. I'm your son, aren't I." He said with a grin on his face, making me smile internally at his words. That boy...he really knows how to use his words.

"Yes, son." Geez...that boy. Maybe he's the reason why I've worked here for 30 years straight. He was such an adorable baby back then...

Ryan's POV:

"How was the meeting?" Adrian asked the moment I stepped into the house.

"Fine?" It was as boring as shit. I can't even escape from it.

"What was it about?"

"The plan for your announcement day."

"The day which I have to announce in front of the press in public that I'm expanding the company overseas? That crap? The one which is in 5 months time?"

"Yes. Master didn't want to risk so he hired 5 other bodyguards from different sectors to protect you on that day."

"You're going to be my personal one right?" He asked hopefully but his hopeful gaze dropped immediately when I shook my head slowly. I wished I was but no...

"No. A guy called Jasper is. He is the most experienced in man-to-man combat. I'm assigned to the roofs. They lack of sharp shooters."

"Come on...what kind of plan is that?" He groaned loudly in annoyance before shouting a 'Oh!' out of nowhere, scaring the hell out of me. Goodness...

"Did you forget something again?"

"Yes! Wait here!" Pushing me down onto the sofa, he ran into the kitchen swiftly, only to come out with a plate in his hand. "Here! These are for you." Holding the plate in front of me, my eyes immediately got captivated by the bars. Smores...but wait...who made them?

"You made them?"

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"You made them?"

"Yup!" Er.....

"No offence but...are they edible?" I mean, they always teach us to never judge a book by its cover...and Adrian can't cook at all

Oh...now I remember...

"Of course! Try them."

Adrian's POV:

Staring at him eagerly, he took a bite of it hesitantly before his eyes lit up at its flavour. "How is it?"

"It's nice-" Stopping mid-way, he started coughing violently into his hand, dropping the bar back onto the plate.

"Shit! What's wrong?" Placing the plate down quickly, I rushed over to his bent-over form as he continued to cough badly. Shit! I thought he wasn't allergic to anything?!

Removing his hand from his mouth, a pool of blood stained his palm as he looked at me lethargic. Shit. Shit. Shit! I swear I didn't add poison! Mum saw me through the whole thing too! I swear!

"Oh fuck oh fuck! Shit! Let's go to the hospital now!" Grabbing him by his arm, he stared up at me with amusement in his eyes before starting to laugh loudly....what? What's so funny? "What's so funny Ryan? This is serious! We have to go to the hospital now!"

"S-Sorry. You're reactions are too funny." He snorted in between before wiping the blood away. "Don't worry Adrian. It's just ketchup."

"Wh-What? Come again? K-Ketchup? Not b-blood?"

"Trish sent me a message. She asked me to scare you if I'm offered any food from you." He said innocently as he showed me he message sent by Mum. Mum....

"I can't believe this..."

"You can come out from behind the pillar already Trish! Show's over!"

"Awwww man...it was so good..."

"Mummmmm! You made him gang up with you? You almost killed me! I thought something bad really happened."

"Sorry Adrian, I didn't mean to scare you. Forgive me?"

"Of course beautiful."

"Sorry Adrian, I didn't mean to scare you. Forgive me?"


"Bias! What did you do to my son Ryan? Which effecfive witchcraft did you use?" Mum interrogated as Ryan stared at her speechless.

"I...I er..."

"Ignore her, Ryan. Let's go." Taking his hand in mine, I led him up the stairs as he followed cluelessly behind me like a lost puppy.


"Um...my room? We can watch a movie."

"Okay...how about Trish?" True...I feel bad leaving her alone...

"My ship is sailing!" She cheered loudly from below, making me reconsider my thoughts. Let's not.

"I think she needs some time alone to cool down first..." Mum wouldn't mind.

"Okay...um Adrian?"

"Yes beautiful?"

"Can I have the smores bars? They're awesome." He tugged on my sleeve as he requested for them with slightly flushed cheeks. My goodness, he's killing me with his cuteness.

"Of course and thanks for the compliment." Anything for my precious.

Glow In The Dark (B×B) [Book 1 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now