"Very funny! Now go out!"
"I can't.. my shirt is wet. Remember?"
I clenched my teeth.

I hate this guy!

"You look weak...Your skipping your meals aren't you?" Taehyung gently rubbed my back.

"Hmm" I hummed.

"I bought this for you" Taehyung took out a chocolate from his pocket and dropped it on my lap.
I smriked. He's a caring friend isn't he?

No not really!
This must be a trick or something.... or the chocolate must be poisoned..

"No thanks" I throwed it on to the bed.

"Your getting weak idiot!! At least have a chocolate!"
"I'm not weak!"
"Yes you are! If you don't eat it right now I'll kiss you for sure!"


I slowly stretched my hand. I  took the chocolate back and started nibbling it.

"You don't want my kisses that badly?" Taehyung smriked.  I glanced at him.

After few seconds I found my self stuffing chocolate into my mouth and my cheeks puffed up making me look like a squirrel with mouthful of nuts.

Taehyung chuckled as he watched me. I ignored him.

"Hey.....I can't resist it anymore" Taehyung came closer.

"Huh?" I looked at him and back at chocolate which is the more important thing right now.

Taehyung pulled me harshly.
"Oh! Wha....??"
He cupped my cheeks and in the next second his warm lips pressing against mine!!

I stood like a freak with widen eyes. I tried to push him away but his a male after all...
He held me wrists pinning me on the bed.

I felt totally helpless! Mouthful with chocolate and a freak stealing my first kiss!

He softly nibbled  my lower lip making me melt and in the mean time.. my body started to respond to the kiss. I rolled over  getting on top of him then kissed him back. I tasted the lightly spreaded chocolate on his lips.
He's smirking against my lips!
So he teased me even in our first kiss.

I pulled away. I'm out of breath!
Taehyung breathes heavily and I  leaned my  forhead on his.

We gazed at each other. His lustful eyes locked in my face.

God! I'm blushing!

Room filled with awkward silence.
"I... must ..go " Taehyung got up and put on his shirt.

"..yeah.." I gulped the chocolate and opened the door for him.

"Ok... bye.." he smiled and walked out from the room.

He turned back.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't..."
"It's ok" I cut him off.

"Come school tomorrow ok?"
"Sorry about your parents.. "

I nodded my head.

Taehyung bit his lip.
"I.. like it.. you know the kiss.."

What's wrong with this boy!?

"I know.. now go"
"It was chocolatey "


( Taehyung's pov)


"Yap" Yu na swung her chair.
"That was...."
"I know! I don't understand!? Who did it? Why? Why my parents? They aren't bad people they lived a very peaceful life! They never had enemies!" Yu na slammed the table with her fist.

"Calm down.. let's see what we can do.."
"Do what now!? They are gone! We can't give life to dead people!"

I sighed. She's not gonna listen to me.

Then something came to my mind and I squeezed her arm.
"Ow! That are you doing!?"
"I must go now" I got up. I can't believe it! I was careless! I should have saved them!

"Where are you going?" Yu na asked as I walked to the door.

"I'll be back wait here"

Am I the one who caused   their deaths?


( Narrator's pov )

"You actually did it!" Dong Woo said in a impressed tone.

"I gave him time. But he didn't took the advantage from it. So I had to." Dong Woo looked at his masters eyes glowing with anger.

"He'll come back to me"

"I did came back!" Taehyung's voice echoed in the room making both the men gazed at him.

Dong Woo quickly went away from Taehyung's way letting him walk pass him.

"You killed them you pathetic son of a bitch!" Taehyung yelled loudly making all the gangsters rushed in to their masters room.

"Yes I did. I gave you time. You had enough time to save them. But you didn't. YOU killed them!"

Taehyung rushed towards the man but the other gangsters held him tight without letting him go ahead.

"Your weak. You can't win over me" Taehyung was forced to kneel down.

"I'll give you one last chance" Taehyung looked at his face.

"Work for me. Work for the gang again"

"No!" Taehyung muttered.
A hand slapped Taehyung  in the face making blood spill out from the coner of his mouth.

"If you want to keep the girl alive work for me!! Or I'll rip that bitch in to pieces infront of you!"

Taehyung hang his head low without uttering a word.

I'm sorry...... Yu na


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its not boring right??

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