The Christmas Spark MMA

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"Kang Eunmi from WildFire and Kim Jihyeon from EarthySoil!!" The MC shouted as the crowds shouted

The arena was filled with 10.000 audiences and more than 300 contestants. Bright Lights, screaming crowds and the groans from the contestants was there to company the audiences.

"Kang Eunmi! Get Your sense right!" Eunjung shouted

From the 4 girls, Eunjung did the best with ordering how to fight.

At the end of the time, Jihyeon did a high kick to Eunmi.

"Where's your arrogant smile now? Don't be such a wimp and stand up back" Jihyeon spatted

Eunmi looked at Renji who was nodding at her to stop before she hurt herself. Eunmi tapped the ground 3 times , meaning she forfeit the fight.

"Nakamoto Renji from Wildfire and Kim Jihyeon from EarthySoil!!" The MC shouted once again

Renji gave her clothes to Eunjung and went inside the ring.

Based on Renji, Jihyeon is just gangster. He doesn't have any fighting topic.

"Get your glare away!" Jihyeon shouted at her

He was more arrogant than Eunmi.

"Shut the fuck up!" Renji shouted after kicking his sides

"How dare you kick the king with your filth-" He got cut off by Renji's kick on the neck

"You talk to much. It's getting boring" She said coldly

The paramedics of the school took his fainted body away from the ring. Since there, a lot forfeited the match, knowing that she is the queen.

{The Tournament}

The only fighters from Wildfire that passed the testing fight is Renji, Yoonra, Taeyong, Yuta, Jisung, Y, Jangjun and Donghyun.

"Lee Taeyong of Wildfire and Hong Jaehwan of Seawater!" The other MC shouted

As the bell ring, Jaehwan charged towards Taeyong. Jaehwan is a sumo fighter while Taeyong is unknown.

When Jaehwan tackled Taeyong, Taeyong kicked his neck with full force. The move that he did was from Renji.

That one shot made Jaehwan fainted almost to quickly.

The others immediately forfeited the match, making Taeyong advance to the finals.

"Nakamoto Yuta of Wildfire and Kim Hyuni of Seawater!!"

Hyuni took the first move and Yuta took the first defense. At first, the both are really full of energy but going to the end, Yuta lost his energy and forfeited.

Making Renji looked ashamed. According to her, people might think that she was his sister but his sister is stronger than the brother.

{The Finals}

Those who gets to the finals are Taeyong, Renji, Hyuni and Hyemi. Both Hyuni and Hyemi came from Seawater.

"Nakamoto Renji of Wildfire and Park Hyemi of Seawater!!"

The both fights like  it was their last fight which resulted in to an almost endless fight. But by the end, Renji still won the fight

"Lee Taeyong of Wildfire and Kim Hyuni of Seawater!!"

"Tae oppa, give me chance to fight Renji please!!" She plead

"You would have to pass me first" Taeyong told her coldly

"But I might lose to you" She used puppy eyes that quivered and shimmer with tears

Seeing that her eyes filled with tears, he forfeited. He just couldn't stand a girl crying. 

One specific girl watched him as he forfeited. She knew that Taeyong could win but he just had to let her. More than one hundred feeling appeared but the most was disappointment.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed as she went down to the arena. She pulled off her clothes and step into the ring. The girl was the one and only Renji.

"Nakamoto Renji and Kim Hyuni!"

Renji purposely bumped her shoulder with Taeyong's and rolled her eyes. Letting Taeyong know the disappointment that she was feeling.

But what she didn't know is that he forfeited not because of the fake crying girl but because he knows he will win and couldn't face Renji later on.

The bell rung and Hyuni charges towards Renji. 

"I told you we will meet" Hyuni said

"I don't wanna talk so let's get to it" Renji scoffed

Renji punched Hyuni as she fell to the ground.

Hyuni punched Renji back but Renji didn't do anything about it. Instead, Renji walked towards her. 

"Better step back before I snap your neck into two" Renji whispered as Hyuni shuddered in fear

"Do you think I will be fucking scared??!!" She shouted

"I warned you"

Renji faked a punch on the stomach and reversed it to a front kick towards the neck, snapping the neck into 2 or breaking her voice box.

Y, who was watching her from the start of the final match, knew that she was clearly mad by two things. One, both Hyuni and Hyemi looked down on her. Two, Taeyong forfeited.

Y sighed once again in agony, knowing that Y wouldn't choose him. If only Renji would choose him, he wouldn't leave to Australia.

"You won, Taeyong hyung"

"Appa, let me go to the Christmas Prom tomorrow" He said through the phone

"Then the next day after the prom you'll leave to Australia" His father said

"Thank you, Father"

Royals of the WildFire (Taeyong)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora