What is it??

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Stiles p.o.v

I walked out the cafeteria and went to my locker. I don't know why i was so upset but i was. Scott followed my and he looked at me weird. 

Scott: Dude, why'd you leave? 

Stiles: Marissa was all over that dude. 

Scott: And? whats wrong with that they're old friends. 

Stiles: They didn't seem like 'just friends' 

Scott: Stiles whats wring with you? Are you jealous??

Stiles: Psttttt, no of course not.

 But by this time Stiles was very unsure about how he felt.

Scott: Man, yes you are. Do you like Marissa?  

Stiles: NO!

Scott: Whatever you say man.

 Scott smirk at Stiles because he was unconvinced. 


Marissas' p.o.v.

After lunch i kept wondering what was wrong with Stiles. I just ignored the feeling and focused on school. When we all went back home I went to my room and started to blast my music. Bone thugs and harmony is one of my all time favorites. They are amazing. I started to pick up my room and 'sing' (more like yell) along to the song. After a while I was organizing my books and heard something on my window. I opened it and Stiles was there with a stupid grin on his face. 

Stiles: You're a little loud, don't you think? 

Me: Yikes, sorry. *chuckled nervously*

Stiles: So you like old school music? 

Me: Oh, yeah. I like a bunch old school things. Movies, songs, shows, society back then stuff like that.

Stiles: Oh, thats cool. I don't think I've ever watched an old school movie before.

Me: WHAT!?!? Omg you have to watch them!! how about me and you have a movie night friday night? I'm not take no as an answer. 

Stiles: I don't know *he rubbed the back of his neck* 

Me: Come on, what do you have to lose? 

Stiles: Fine, ill be over around 5? 

Me: Ok 

i smiled and he smiled back. jeezz finally. 

Me: Well i got to go back to cleaning. So ill see to you tomorrow.

Stiles: Ok, see you tomorrow. 

After that we closed our windows and i went back to cleaning. When i was down i laid down and thought about tomorrow. I'm excited I LOVE old school movies. While i was getting excited i fell asleep. 

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