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-- Next day--

Marissa's POV

I hate classes they're so boring. I've already made it through half the day and next is lunch. Stiles is sitting right next to me and being annoying. the girl next to him keeps flirting. Next thing i know he keeps bumping into me because she is making out with him. I guess you could call him a bit of a player. I mean I'm not jealous about it but its just stupid. Whatever. The bell rings and its time for lunch. I meet up with the girls and we sit down. A couple minutes later Stiles and a guy come sit with us. Me, Emily, Allison, and Lydia ll look at each other. We're confused on why they're sitting with us till the boy say something

"Hey Danny!" the boy says.

"Hey Scott, how's it going?"

Before he could answer I asked what we were all thinking. " Why are you guys sitting with us?"

Stiles spoke up " Danny invited Scott to with you guys and he's my best friend so I tagged along." he's smirked and i got rolled my eyes. I didn't like what we had for lunch today but i was so hungry. I almost started eating until i heard a familiar voice.

"Hey munchkins!" Said the familiar voice.

Me, Danny, and Emily all looked up. We looked and he one guy we consider family. He was holding two McDonalds bags. I got up and ran towards him. I guess was the only one who got out of they're shock. i jumped on him and hugged him. He didn't fall but he had one arm holding me up while the other one up the food bags on the floor.

"Daniel, i haven't seen you in forever! I thought I was never going to see you again." i said with tears I'm my eyes.

" Its ok munchkin. Im back. I swear i won't ever leave like that again." he said.

Im going to give y'all some background. Daniel (picture above) is like close family even though everyone just thinks we are coworkers. Yes, he is a spy. He left about 4 years ago due to an accents that killed both his parents. Me and him have been best friends since we were 5. Thats when we started living at headquarters.

I snapped back to reality and got off of him. He went to go hug Danny and Emily. I got the food and pulled up a chair for him to sit in between me and Emily. I introduced him to everyone. i looked at everyones reaction. Allison and Scott smiled and waved, Lydia looked like she was picturing him naked, and Stiles looked a little upset with him. I wonder why he was giving Daniel that look. I shook the thought when Daniel spoke up.

" So Danny told me this was your time for lunch so i brought you guys some food." Saying to me, Danny, and emily.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love you so muchhhh !!!" i say while hugging him.

" Not to be mean, but what are you doing here Daniel???" Emily said with a smile.

" I was in Cali and i heard you guys were here *wink* and I wanted to come and help around and i joined the school." Daniel said.

AWESOME!!!!!! He's joining us on this mission. I'm so happy all i could do was smile. I looked around and Stiles is now giving me the same look he was giving Daniel. When i frowned at him he just got up and walked off. What is his problem? Scott got up and went to go check on him. The rest of us just stayed to catch up.

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