Chapter 5

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For an update(:

The more i get the faster ill update<3 

Alison's POV

I stared up at the ceiling, Nathans words still repeating in my head from last night. Why was he so.. kinda and worried about me? I sighed and got up. I had a shower then put on skinny jeans and a t shirt making sure my tattoo was covered. I brushed my hair and did my makeup then brushed my teeth and went into the room. I looked at my hands and sighed. Why was my life like this? I walked into the hallway and bumped into someone. I squealed as i fell and someone fell on top of me. I groaned in pain from my back.. when Nathan hit me yesterday it must have left a mark. I looked up and seen Nathan looking down at me. I swallowed hard. "Oh uh.." Nathan quickly got up and helped me up. "Sorry!" I looked at his body seeing a towel around his waist and his hair dripping. I bit my lip. Damn was he fine. 

Nathan cleared his throat and i blushed and looked at him. Nathan smirked. "I-uhm.." I stammered as Nathan laughed and went into his room. I shook my head. What the hell has gotten into me! I sighed and walked downstairs then rummaged through the cupboards and fridge. Of course there was no food. "Nathan!" I called walking over to the door. "hurry and get ready were going out!" I yelled while putting my shoes on and grabbing my keys. I looked around while sliding my gun in between my hip and pants then slid a sweater on. not long after Nathan walked down the stairs in black jeans and a red sweater. I swallowed hard. I told Nathan he could wear my brothers old clothes till he got new ones. "Here " i said handing him sunglasses. "Why do i need these?" He asked. "well so fans don't notice you and so that the people after us don't notice you. You better keep your head down and your hood up also." I said nodding while putting sunglasses on. "What about you?" He asked making me laugh softly. "They don't know what i look like." I smiled slightly and walked outside.

Me and Nathan both got in the car and i started driving. "Where exactly are we going?" Nathan asked. "To buy food and clothes." 

I watched the road twist and turn and awhile later we arrived at the mall. I stepped out of the car and started walking inside with Nathan trailing behind me. Hopefully he doesn't run off.. in all honesty i don't want him killed. I walked into forever 21 and i picked out a couple shirts and some jeans. I payed with cash then we went into a few other stores so i could get some underwear and such. Nathan awkwardly waited outside and i came out to greet him. Happy he was still there and didn't run off. 

"Alright. Time to shop for you" I smiled. "But.. I don't have my credit cards with me.." Nathan said confused. I smiled. "Its on me." Nathan shoo his head. "No way. Your not paying." i stared at him. "Yes i am weather you like it or not. I got you into this mess so just let me buy you some damn things." I hissed. Nathan frowned and i sighed. "Pick a store."

I followed Nathan into stores and he picked out jeans, t shirts, sweaters, socks, underwear , caps (which i made him get because they looked nice) and he also got things like gel, a toothbrush and stuff. I payed for all of it and my heart hurt. I was saving this money to buy a house of my own. To get out of this country and start a new life.. but this was important right now.

Me and Nathan carried our bags to the car and then drove to the grocery store. "Thank you" Nathan said putting his hand on my knee. I blushed and got butterflies. what? 

"Its okay honestly." I smiled at him then looked at the road. I pulled into the grocery store and parked and hopped out while sighing. Nathan gave me a sad smile and we walked inside. I got a cart and pushed it through the isles while throwing the things i liked inside the cart. Nathan chuckled making me giggle. "Come on pretty boy" I smirked "Start picking stuff!" Nathan ran off making me tense up. Should i run after him? What if hes leaving?! I panicked. Nathan came back with a big cheeky smile and i relaxed looking at all the tea boxes in his hands. I laughed rolling my eyes. "Your so weird!" "I am not! Your weird if you don't like tea!" He defended making me laugh more. "I do like tea! but honestly you look addicted" I started pushing the cart and Nathan followed while we both put things in the cart. once the cart was full we went to the check out and payed for everything.

"Wanna go to McDonald's?" I asked as we were driving away from the grocery store. "Sure I'm starving" Nathan said rubbing his stomach. I laughed and pulled into a McDonald's. We both got out and there was a crowd of girls screaming. I looked confused as they were yelling for someone. Nathan held my hand and i looked at him confused as he pulled me inside. once we got in i noticed the girls were screaming because Justin bieber was here. i rolled my eyes and got in line and noticed Nathan was still holding my hand. He must have noticed to because instantly he let go. I frowned and shoved my hands into my pockets. Well that was odd..

Hours later

Me and Nathan finally finished putting everything away after we got back from McDonald's. I sighed tired and flopped onto the couch. "You alright?" Nathan asked sitting beside me. I nodded and pulled the gun out of my hip and pants. Nathans eyes widened as i put it on the table. I looked at him and he looked at me. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked and he slowly nodded. 

I flipped through Netflix and me and Nathan finally decided on watching the movie "just go with it". 

Awhile into the movie my eyes started burning so i Lent on the thing closest to me and i drifted off.

Nathan's POV

I looked down at Alison. She looked peaceful in her sleep. I smiled lightly as she slept with her head on my lap. I reached down and lightly played with her hair. She looked much younger and less stressed. I sighed. How could her small fragile hands hold such a deadly weapon like it was nothing? I wondered what happened in her life to make her like this. Where was her family? I shook my head and carefully picked her up in my arms. I carried her up to her room and softly laid her on the bed before tucking her in. I laughed quietly as she mumbled in her sleep. I sat on the edge of her bed and watched her. She was so beautiful.. I wonder what her life would be like if it never went in this direction. She would probably have a boyfriend, and be in school studying and have a part time job. I frowned as jealousy clung to my heart. But why was i jealous? That i don't know...

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