Chapter 4

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Nathan's POV

There was no way I was getting out of here. Who knew that being a celebrity would get me kidnapped and possibly killed? Who was this girl? Why did she pick me and not someone with more money? Like Harry Styles for Christs sake! I looked over at her as she touched her collar bone, and i furrowed my eyebrows confused. She was dangerous. But why.. why would she kidnap me then save me? i watched her intently. i wondered if her black hair was natural or died. i wonder how old she is.. she looks pretty young. i tried frowning but the tape on my mouth stopped me. She was hurt. she had dry blood on her face and all over her shirt. I looked out of the window and into the dark. i cant feel bad for her. she fucking kidnapped me. soon the car came to a stop and i looked around noticing we were somewhere unfamiliar in front of a decent white house. i looked over at the girl as she sighed and grabbed her bag. she got out of the car and walked over opening my door. she then grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car. I followed her into the house and she turned and looked at me. "Alright" her voice was soft. "I'm going to untie your hands.. but please don't run.. let me explain." I nodded as she untied my hands. I pulled the tape off my mouth and licked my dry lips. "Stay here I'm going to clean myself up.. don't bother running. cause if they find you they will kill you. your not safe anywhere." she said and walked upstairs. Why wouldn't she just let me get killed? i sighed and started wandering the house as i waited. I wonder if the boys are back yet or if they've even noticed I'm gone..

Alison(shays) POV

I walked into my old room then into the connecting bathroom. I looked into the mirror and sighed. I slid my wig off and took my contacts out. I then grabbed a cloth out of the cabinet and wet it with warm water before wiping the blood off my chin. I slowly wiped the blood off my nose and yelped in pain. What was i going to do? I have no where to go now. Its either save him.. or die.

Nathan's POV

I was wandering around when i heard a cry of pain. I walked upstairs curiously and into a room. In the bathroom stood a beautiful girl. My eyes widened. She had beautiful blonde hair and green eyes. She turned and looked at me and instantly paled. Where did the other girl go? It couldn't be this girl standing in front of me? I looked her up and down and noticed she was wearing the same clothes and that the black haired wig was on the counter along with a box of contacts. I slowly walked over to the girl. "Who are you?" I asked softly. She sighed and looked in the mirror and tried wiping the blood off her face. "Here," I said and walked over to her. i grabbed the cloth with my right hand and softly placed my left hand on her cheek. She looked up into my eyes and i could she the confusion on her face. I smiled lightly at how small she really was.. a small girl but very strong.  I lightly wiped the blood from her face and she winced a bit. "its alright" i said while stroking my thumb across her cheek. I felt her relax and i smiled, continuing to wipe the blood.

Alison(shays) POV

Why was he being so kind to me? I looked up into his eyes as he wiped the blood. I winced. "Its alright" he soothed while stroking his thumb across my cheek. Instantly i relaxed. why does he make me feel so safe? I watched his face as he smiled and finished up cleaning my nose. He had perfect pink lips that looked soft. His brilliant green eyes flickered to mine as i blushed. He chuckled softly as i bit the inside of my cheek. he seemed perfect and forgiving..

"i think its broken.." he said inspecting my nose making me sigh while nodding. "thank you for helping." I looked at him. "Ahh no problem. it nice to hear your voice when your not yelling or being rude." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and threw the bloody cloth in the bin. " Can you explain now?" He asked quietly. i looked at him while cleaning everything up and guilt washed over me. he was looking at his hands with sadness written on his face. "yes" i said quietly.  I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "Who are you?" he asked sitting beside me. i turned to face him. "m-my name is sha-" i stopped myself. should i really lie to him or just tell him my true self? I shook my head. "Alison. my name is Alison." I said quietly and looked down. "Well.. you already know my names Nathan." Nathan chuckled lightly making me smile a bit then sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm stupid. i didn't think any of this would happen! i didn't know you were a celebrity! he said they were just going to scare you and take some money! but then i heard that they were going to kill you and take everything. they were going to kill me.." my voice quivered. i was ashamed to look at Nathan. he probably hates me.. but then again why do i care if he does? i barely know him. "So you kidnapped me for money but it backfired?"  i nodded. "do you kidnap others like this?" He asked and i shook my head. "Well i mean i just watch them. study their actions then sometimes kidnap and fight when necessary. But i would never kill anyone unless i was threatened!" Nathan was quiet for a moment, "Why are you doing this..?" he asked and looked at me. "I-its hard to explain. i was being a stupid kid. my.. my parents.." i choked up. Nathan placed his hand on my shoulder. "Its alright. you don't have to tell me." I nodded and looked down. "Im sorry. i never knew this would happen. i didn't want an innocent person hurt.. let alone dead." i took a shaky breath. "and you don't have to forgive me, but I'm sorry okay. Your going to have to stay with me until i figure things out. You cant go out. you cant go back. they'll be watching and wont hesitate to kill you." I looked at Nathan, "i forgive you." was all he said. I looked confused. "what? why?" He shrugged and moved closer to me. "You saved my life. sure you kidnapped me.. but then you saved me. you could have just saved yourself and left me there but you came back." He paused and looked over at me. "There's just something about you.." he whispered. "Something telling me to save you. To stay with you, protect you. and i cant stop staring at you. your just so.. mysterious and kept to yourself. i want to figure you out, and when your ready to open up.. ill be here." he smiled a heart warming smile..


thank you so much for reading guys. Ill post chapter 5 when i get 3 votes on this chapter:)

if any of yous want to know when the next update will be posted follow me on insta @nathansykesfans or twitter @seductive_sykes (: love yous

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