I walked closer to him, leaning in for a kiss.

"W-what are you doing?! Get back you savage!"

Chat then ran away.

"Here kitty, kitty! Come here!" I said as I chased after him.

With Carapace and Rina...

"Soo... let's play 20 questions! I'll ask questions about you and I'll say my answer to that question! Deal?" Rina offered.

Nino shrugged. "Why not?"

"Favorite color?"

"Green or blue."

"Mine is orange. What's your favorite thing about being a miraculous holder?"

"I have more freedom and I get to save the day."

"I like the freedom as well, and saving people's lives. Favorite season?"


"Same here! What's-"

She was cut off by shouting outside.

"Don't tell me there's another Akuma!"

"Well we netter go check it out," Nino said.


The two ran outside to see a Cupid- like thing flying in the sky, shooting arrows at people all over the place. Instead of the people being all loving, they started yelling angrily and showing signs of hate.

"Hey Cupid! What's with the bad attitude?!" Nino shouted at him.

Dark Cupid looked down at Nino. When he saw his and Rina's bond growing, he knew that he must destroy it while he can.

"All love and friendships must be destroyed!"

The arrow headed straight towards Rina. But just as the last second came, she blocked the arrow with her flute.

"Let's take him down!" She exclaimed.

And then she started conjuring illusions to confuse Dark Cupid.

Meanwhile with Ladybug and Chat Noir....

Chat had finally caught me. He had me pinned to the ground, his cataclysm in hand.

Then, he started monologuing. If he wasn't under control of the Akuma, I'd smack him. I hate it when people start monologuing...

Before Chat could use his cataclysm on me, I grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him.

It wasn't long before he snapped out of it.

He looked around, confused. "What am I doing here?"

"No time to explain! We have to get rid of the Akuma!"

He then looked at me. "Alrighty, m'lady," He winked.

Yep. It's official, he's totally back to normal.

As Chat used his cataclysm on a random object, Rina and Carapace jumped next to us.

"I distracted him as long as I could by making multiple illusions of me," She began. "But I can only conjure so many illusions."

"And I had to shield her the entire time just in case he spotted which Rina was the real one," Nino said a bit jokingly.

Rina rolled her eyes.

"Yep. They'd make a cute couple through and through," I thought.

There was suddenly a new voice.
"All love must be demolished!"

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