We send our prayers and condolences to the families of the two idols.



That's how you describe the atmosphere between the two idol groups that were in the waiting room, trying to piece together how the hell this happened and ready to give that driver the biggest earful of world history.

JB and Jackson have taken Jinyoung out several times to calm him down before he destroyed the waiting room from the anger inside him; not being there to protect his only sibling, not being able to do anything but sit which aggravated him immensely.

"LET ME GO, HYUNG!" screams of Jinyoung could be heard throughout the whole hospital, he had lost it truly while everyone just sat with their head in their hands before a knock on the door made all of them look up to see the SM artists, filing in.

f(x) was not looking good; Krystal was in Jonghyun's grip just straight out crying, Victoria was trying to hold it together but broke down in Taeyeon's arms and Luna was remaining quiet, looking out into the space to hold it together.

SHINee were alright; Key was crying into Onew's shoulder while Jonghyun was consoling Krystal while also keeping himself together, silently crying into Krystal's shoulder. Minho was with Taemin, not finding the strength to walk into the hospital and stayed outside to keep himself from fainting.

Everyone sat in shock, despair, anxiety and anger before a doctor walked in, Jinyoung immediately going to confront him, removing himself from Mark's grip and stand in front of the doctor before he could enter the room.


Jackson and JB went back out again to cool him down, Jinyoung putting up a fight before Mark helped them to drag him out so he wouldn't lose his cool and turn this place upside down, everyone was heart-broken at how Jinyoung was affected.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Dr Shin," he bowed, they just nodded in response, staring at him with eyes full of worry and anticipation
"I'll get straight to it, we've managed to stop the blood and stitch up all the wounds along with extracting any car parts that were lodged inside of them. They are currently resting but they've obtained some serious injuries," he flicks through his clipboard.

"Amber got a major concussion, she has whiplash from the sudden impact of the collision from the bridge which has also resulted in pain from the shoulder and neck, her right lung is bruised and she's got a large stomach gash which could restrict her movements when she wakes up and dizziness may also occur." he finishes and now, it was Elyse's turn.

"Elyse on the other hand... she's got a concussion as well, she's also got whiplash resulting in major shoulder and neck pain from the impact of the car into the bridge, her skull is fractured due to being on the side where the car collided, both lungs were bruised, she had two large gashes on her right thigh and chest area. We are unsure about her at this time due to the severity of her injuries but will be keeping close eye on both of them." he states, you could hear Jinyoung's scream of anguish erupt from outside.

"And, they are both in a coma. We are unsure of when they will wake up but we will monitor them closely. You may go see them; Amber is in Room 308 and Elyse is in Room 310. Only four at a time, please." he informed us before leaving.

Standing outside the two doors, everyone looked at each other before the first four entered the room. Jinyoung, Jackson, Jeonghan and S.Coups went in first to greet Elyse while Krystal, Jonghyun, Minho and Taeyeon went in to see Amber.

She laid motionless, the only sound was her still heartbeat and she was wrapped in bandages and attached to machines like a science experiment before Jinyoung collapsed, breaking down at the sight of his sister; whispering apologizes.

"Come on, hyung, we need to give the others a chance." Jackson lifted him up and carried him out before the next lot came in until everyone had gone through, Manager-Doogi came in to see Elyse and the CEO would drop in to see Elyse later in the week since the media would be demanding information on Elyse's wellbeing.

"She's a fighter, hyung, she'll make it." Yugyeom said, walking out of the hospital and they all prayed that their little sassy maknae would make it out alive. 

A/N: I've finished updating this book and now, I'm pleased!! I actually did it, I'm so proud of myself and deleted so many unnecessary chapters I had added in when I was a noob because I wanted to show how cool I was. 
I will now be editing the second part; The Next steps before I start with the BIGBANG book. 


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