Start from the beginning

Tucker laughed again, "No, I live on a different street with my parents." Technus nodded thoughtfully.

"You have a way with computers don't you Foley child." Technus said, Tucker shrugged and nodded, he had been known to mess around with technology.

"Yeah! We both like computers, let's be friends!" Tucker said. Technus couldn't help but smile, the boy had a surprising amount of enthusiasm.

"Alright Tucker Foley, let's be friends."

Technus never had a human friend before, he kinda liked it. It helped a ton when the GIW came looking for him, he would hide in Tucker's PDA until they left. They visited the portal at the Fenton house a lot, making sure it could be up and running any time they needed it in case of a quick escape.

It didn't help when the GIW caught Technus at a garage sale. Tucker was at a different garage at the time and could only watch from afar as his only friend was taken away. So he used the portal to find his friend and was able to sneak into his cell one day. Technus was quite surprised.

Back in the present Technus sighed, "Yes, well, the ghost master of science and all electrical technology always has work to do." Truth be told Technus wasn't so sure the GIW needed him anymore, and that scared him.

"What'cha got there?" Technus asked hoarsely, even if he was a ghost a cup of water wouldn't hurt. Tucker unrolled the parchment, Technus jaw dropped as the legendary Infi-map was splayed out on the floor.

"The Infi-map." he breathed, he reached out for it but the chains held him back.

"So thats what its called?" Tucker asked, glancing down at the black and green paper that was drawn in quarters.

"How did you get this?" Technus questioned, the Infi-map had been lost when the GIW first attacked the ghost zone.

"Uh, I kinda found it. It was in this weird thromos thing." Tucker admitted, Technus looked up with furrowed brows.

"A thromos." Technus said disbelievingly.

"Yeah, there was this guy in there too, he actually gave it to me. Said something about fixing dimensions or something like that." Tucker said, he rolled the map up again. "So what does it do? It has to do something." He looked at the parchment like one would at an odd machine, wondering its function and purpose.

"That, my small Foley child, is our ticket out of this mess." Technus said, hope filling his voice. "It can lead the user to anywhere and find anything. We need to tell the other ghosts that there is hope again." Technus said, he squirmed in his chains despite his exhaustion.

"But how does finding stuff help you guys escape?" Tucker walked forward and set his backpack down next to the ghost, he unzipped it and started rummaging through its contents.

"We need to find the halfa, -" he started.

"Vlad?" Tucker interrupted, handing Technus a water bottle he fished out of his backpack.

"No, the other one, a different halfa. I hear he's quite young, your age I think." Technus accepted the water and drank it with surprising need

"There's another halfa? Is he as powerful as Vlad?"The boy asked his ghost friend. Technus shrugged.

"No one knows, he's been locked up by the GIW for a while now but some say he escaped. He must be powerful if he was able to escape."

"So you guys need him to bust you out." Tucker said, Technus nodded.

"Yes but not only 'bust us out' but to get rid of the GIW once and for all. Those venomous snakes are tearing the Ghost Zone apart and they don't care who gets in the way. Nocturne, Undergrowth, Vortex, even Clockwork the great ghost of time have been subdued. There's not many powerful ghosts left." Technus said sadly.

A Chance to Trust (YJ/DP)Where stories live. Discover now