-9- A Conversation of Ghostly Proportions

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A day later, after Dick had delivered the boomerang to Batman and informed him of the dog situation, Bruce decided to do his own research. But first...

Danny was messing with a batarang he found, it was so oddly shaped, Danny wanted to know what it did. Danny sat on the ground in the living room rug, not yet comfortable on the soft couch without permission. When the halfa was bored with the sharp metal thing he glanced up at the chandelier, wondering if he was allowed up there, the white haired child wasn't big in disobeying. He was quite relaxed when it was swinging, it's calming sways were soothing to his near-constantly panicked mind. Bruce was doing bat stuff so Dick was left to watch Danny again, Dick didn't mind, but he had been planning on doing something at the Mountain. Roy said he'd come visit some time soon and Dick wanted to be there when he did.

The acrobat was currently sitting on the couch watching a movie on his phone, one earbud out so he could hear Danny. Captain America just threw his mighty shield but the man in black with long hair and a mask caught it with a wicked metal arm. Dick was so enthralled by the movie he'd seen multiple times (but it was still amazing) he nearly missed Danny jump up and run to the window.

Pausing his movie, Dick sat up and watched as Danny pressed his hands up against the glass, looking with awed fascination as a racoon shambled by. The raven haired boy smiled as Danny's white head moved at the same pace of the rodent. He then frowned, had Danny never been outside before? Dick needed to remedy this.

"Hey Danny, let's go outside." Danny stared at him in shock. Outside? Him? Danny took one last look out the window and nodded.

Dick got up and walked Danny to the door to the manor backyard. He opened the door and a flood of new sights and sounds washed over Danny. He hadn't been outside in over four years, he had basically forgotten everything.

It was warm, but a cold breeze tickled his hair. Large lazy clouds filled the sky as brilliant rays of sunshine found crevices in the cloud cover. The grass bent beneath his bare feet, dirt getting between his toes. Danny breathed out an awed sigh.

He walked around not really paying attention to where he was walking, staring upwards at the large trees that towered over him. Leaves of all different shades of green rustled in the gentle wind, sending the shadows on Danny's face into a frenzy. The dark tree trunks were stark against the light crisp green of the manicured lawn. A few birds flew between the trees, happily chirping as they passed by. It all seemed so surreal, Danny had to be dreaming, of it was, he didn't want to wake up.

The small halfa jumped back as a long bug with four wings hovered in front of him, at first he was scared, then realized it was a dragonfly. Jazzy liked dragonflies. A red bird landed on a branch close to Danny, tweeting its song. Danny looked up at the bird, and was met by startling red eyes. His brows furrowed, birds don't have red eyes, right?

Dick walked up next to him, following his gaze to the bird.

"That's a cardinal, not too common around here." Dick stated, he too noticed the red eyes and frowned, then looked down at Danny who had his own look of confusion.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but, besides flying, what else can you do?" Dick asked, hoping to get a better answer than a nod or something. Dick noticed the white haired boy was really good at nodding.

Danny looked down, wondering why Dick would ask a question like that. He wasn't the GIW, he wouldn't force him to fight just to figure out what he could do. Determination screwed over his face, he would mock the GIW by letting someone else find out his abilities. Also, because they were getting more prominent and harder to keep secret, but Dick had already seen one, the 'secret' wasn't much of a secret.

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