A New Start

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After driving far , far away the boys end up in Australia . They drove to Luke's house getting out of the car before knocking on his front door.

Luke opened the door seeing Louis with eyes rimmed red "Louis mate what's wrong love ?" Luke asked giving Louis a hug . Louis broke down in Luke's arms before telling him everything that happened.

Luke gasped and let Harry and Louis inside . "You guys can stay here as long as you want" Luke said trying to lighten the mood. "Thank you" Louis mumbled.

"Wait what about all of our pictures that were at Niall's flat?" Harry asked . "Niall heard what happened and he shipped all your guy's stuff over here". Luke said the boys let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go set up your room, yea ?" Luke said offering Louis a hand . Louis took Luke's hand getting up before grabbing Harry's wheelchair and wheeling him to the room that they were going to make their own.

"Do what ever you want with it it's all yours" Luke said . Harry gasped "Luke thank you for the offer but we can't " . Luke shook his head "it's ok you can have it this house has too much empty space anyways".

"Thank you Luke we appreciate it is what Harry means " Louis said holding himself up against the back of the wheelchair Harry was in ...

5 hours later -

"Guys we did it !" Luke said in excitement of being done "well technically all Louis and I did was sit here but if you want to call it helping you can " Harry said laughing.

The boys all laughed before looking into to room they just painted and decorated

 "Did we get overboard maybe ?" Harry asked looking at the room "nah" Louis laughed

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"Did we get overboard maybe ?" Harry asked looking at the room "nah" Louis laughed.

Addicted to him 🇬🇧Larry Stylinson 🇬🇧 ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu