The Best Of Liam Payne

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Liam so many people shipped him with Louis or Zayn . I even shipped him but I shipped him with Zayn .

Liam has quite the high notes on him I mean I have been in this fandom for four or five years and I still get mixed up with his and Harry's high notes .

Liam when I first heard his voice I couldn't understand anything he said because he would talk so fast . Or I would even sing the wrong lyrics because I couldn't understand .

Back in 2010 I thought that Liam's hair made him look a bit like Justin Beiber . I love that Liam was like the honest one of the group he also had a great since of fashion.

When I found out that Liam had one kidney . I found it cool but didn't understand it . Or how a person could have one kidney and not two .

I love Liam's voice and his looks . He among the other boys also went solo and he made Strip that down and featured in Get low by Zedd . Both are really good songs I love how he can sing high notes.

It still kinda makes me fall out of my seat when I hear his high notes . And I love that he married Cheryl Cole and they had a son together and named him Bear.

Addicted to him 🇬🇧Larry Stylinson 🇬🇧 ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu