chapter 43 the conversation part 2

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Days and days pass by and no texts or calls between Louis , Harry and Niall until 3 days later Louis gets a text from Niall .

Niall: Hey Lou I think I got the flu and I'm sick but don't worry Ashtøn and them are taking care of me .

Louis: are you sure I could always fly over there and help ?

Niall: no you're ok any ways Mikey just handed me some soup I'll talk to you later bye .

Louis: ok bye Nialler hope you get better soon .

At the tøur bus with 5 secønds øf summer they were all huddled around Niall because he had thrown up twice that night. They were comforting him, Mikey brought him a change of clothes.

Before Niall could thank him he hunched over the toilet letting out the burning fluid his eyes filled with tears.

Calum grabbed his phone and called Louis it was currently 11:28 in the UK where him and Harry were “hey guys„ Harry picked up his voice groggy “Cal what's up„? He asked letting out a quiet yawn looking down at a sleeping Louis hugging up against Harry. Calum assumed he woke Harry up.

“Um Niall is not doing so well„ Luke yelled in the phone before going back to patting Niall on the back. “get it all out bud„. “oh god„ Harry said earning Louis hard to nudge further into Harry's side in return Harry played with Louis hair.

“what happened do you mates know„? he asked “Niall, Calum  said do you remember how you got sick„?

Niall remembered two months ago when him and Ashtøn had phnemonia and they made out “no„ Niall said hiding what he had been thinking about.

“are you sure„? Luke asked Niall shook his head “Niall said he didn't know„ Calum said “oh ok then Harry said well tell him I said I hope he feels better soon„.

Addicted to him 🇬🇧Larry Stylinson 🇬🇧 ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora