Chapter 32: Self Inflicted

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Yay! Another chapter in a shorter space of time! Alright, just a quick heads up, this one's pretty full on so take your time, absorb it all :) not edited

much love


Kim blew a breath out before beginning. Perched on the coffee table, she was the centre of attention, literally. And new, mature me was okay with that. She needed to be able to move on. Stalling, she tucked her hair behind her ears and glanced around at all of us. Jude shifted to sit beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I seriously could not read him these days. One minute he'd be all 'I want you to move on T,' then the next he'd be all possessive and jealous of any guy who tried looking at me. Insecure poo.

Snapping us out of our haze, Kim cleared her throat and then began the tale of the century.

"Alright, so year ten. We were all sixteen by that stage, I'm pretty sure. Yes, I'd made a name for myself as the school slut and I accept that. Heck, I even embraced the name back then. I'm aware none of you were particularly fond of me or my antics. Lara, I'm not sure if you even knew who I was-"

Lara snorted. Clearly she knew exactly who Kim the hoe was.

Slightly embarrassed, Kim continued. "Okay, so you knew who I was. I had a reputation. Not a very pleasant one, but a reputation. And I just sort of figured any attention, any rep was better than no rep. We were young and immature for Christ's sake! You've gotta forgive me for thinking that. It's not like all of us in this room are completely innocent of similar ways of thinking."

Jude, Brody and I all shared knowing looks. We were the popular crowd back in the day. Focusing on things like reputation was probably not one of our defining moments.

"So yeah, back to the point, I was a slut. I unfortunately ended more relationships than I can count on both hands. Not that those guys cared," she muttered. "It neared August of that year. There was a time where I had a couple of weeks off school, if you guys remember?"

Yeah, I remembered. It was mysteriously quiet and the halls were absent of flirting and gross displays of public affection. No one was caught doing anything sexual in cleaning closets or empty classrooms in those two weeks. Kind of odd, actually. Almost as if the whole school was floating in a dream state for two weeks.

Cracking her neck, Kim kept on. "Alright, so, August, I took time off. I was throwing up every morning like clockwork. Same time every day. The first couple days I thought, 'Oh it's a bug, damn,' but when it stretched out longer, I got worried. Given my nature, the first thing I thought-"

"PREGNANT!" Brody yelled, standing up and pointing accusingly. Though it was all in jest, there was no malice in his face or tone. Kim blushed scarlet and Jude chuckled beside me. Peter remained dead silent, curiously enough. I examined his face as he watched Kim. Hang on…

"OH MY GOD YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE PREGNANT WITH PETER'S BABY!" I screamed out, jumping up like a toddler on a sugar high. I wasn't actually meaning to say my revelation out loud, but I guess there was no going back. And to confirm my guess, Peter avoided my gaze and his cheeks tinged pink.

Kim's hand smacked her forehead.

"Guys! Can I get back to my story? Please?" She added for good measure. Both Brody and I shrugged and sat down. We couldn't help getting overly involved and excited about things.

Now standing, our resident punk made a gesture to calm herself down, only momentarily glancing at Peter. "Yes, Terrie, you're right, I did think I was pregnant with Peter's kid. So much so that I went to the doctor's and got it all tested out. I didn't trust myself to use one of those pee sticks properly. A blood test and an ultrasound later and it was proven beyond doubt that I was definitely NOT pregnant. I was so relieved. I let Peter know that he was not going to be a father, which he was super happy about."

The Boy With Green EyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon