Chapter 7

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    I felt my legs turn to jelly, If it wasn't for Erza holding me up I would have ended up on the floor. Lucy left fairy tail...? My face twisted in confusion, I never thought in a million- No a billion years I would ever hear the master say those words. There's no way this is actually happening.

    "why did she leave...?" my voice was nothing more than a whisper as if someone hit me full force in the gut, I could barely breath. I couldn't take my eyes off of the master waiting for him to fill me in on this madness.

    "I'm sorry Natsu but I do not know any more than you do. While you all were out looking for her. She came in and resigned saying there was a family matter that required her full attention and she didn't feel right staying in the guild while dealing with it."

    I stared at the floor, I could see my vision going blurry. I blinked quickly realized I started crying, I tried wiping them away but they wouldn't stop. I leaned into Erza Sobbing softly. Why is this happening now? I thought Lucy and I were in love. Why is this happening?

    "though I will tell you this Natsu. I can say without a doubt that it wasn't Lucy's choice in the matter. When she left the guild hall there was a woman waiting for her. She had dark hair and had a scar across her right eye.

    I felt a twinge of recognition. The girl that followed Lucy at the restaurant but why would she be there...

    I took a few deep breaths steadying myself on my own feet. I pushed off of Erza balling my hands into fists before looking at the Master I new determination crossing my face. I will find her and she will tell me why she left, I told myself. "Which way did she go?"

    He stared at me with brooding eyes, "Natsu do you really think you can track her?" he asked skeptically.

    "I did it once when she was taken by Phantom lord. I'll do it again." My voice becoming stronger with each word.

    I know Lucy, now that I think about it. She would never leave us. She has more fairy tail spirit than any other member. She loves this guild. She loves me. I grind my teeth balling my hand into a fist drawing blood from the palm of my hand.

    "If someone took her away from us." I growled, "whoever they are. I will tear them to pieces!"

    "You wont be going alone Natsu." Erza spoke up.

    "we are a team after all" Gray said from behind us.

    I turned around to see Gray, Wendy, and Juvia, Happy and Carla all of them with a face of determination. I nodded quickly rushing out the door.

    I stood there, out in the darkening night. I felt the wind sweep across my face. I inhaled deeply as I could. Exhale. Nothing. Inhale. That's when I caught it. I tore off in what seemed like a random direction. I could hear everyone yelling at me to wait up but I couldn't. Every fiber of my being was screaming at me to follow that amazing smell.

    For two days we tracked her sent far east from magnolia, Most of the time we were following train tracks which means they have a massive head start on us. But There was no distance that could come between us. The group had to keep reminding me to take breaks here and there. It annoyed me each time but I understood why. If we finally caught up to them and I was completely bagged from the journey how would I get her back? Even though I knew this It still bugged me each time they made me stop. I new we were on the right track. Each hour the smell of Lucy grew stronger. Finally as the second day of our journey came to an end, we entered Clover town.

    This is where one of our first missions were. I thought to myself, walking through the town. I was being drawn somewhere. Before Long I stood outside the gates of an impressive mansion. I stared up at it. I took one step towards it before feeling a hand on my shoulder.

    "going in there with no plan would be foolish Natsu. And it could endanger Lucy. For now lets set up camp in the forest." she pointed towards one of the side of the mansion where an expansive forest lay.

    It didn't take long for us to set up camp. After we got the tents up I started a fire in the center of them all. The group congregated around it so we could discuss a plan.

    "I say we just storm in there and grab her." I say bitterly, I had my hands wrapped around my legs resting my head on my shins. I stared intently at the fire truly irritated that we were within striking distance and all we were doing was sitting around talking. there were people to fight and Lucy to save  as we were all sitting around a campfire in the center of our little camp.

    "We need to think this through Natsu." Erza reasoned. I knew she was right but Lucy was right there almost within reach.

    "Juvia could enter through the water and look around" Juvia she mused, "that way I could get a detailed floor plan of the place and find if Lucy is being kept somewhere."

    Erza nodded, "just take a quick peak and make sure your not seen."

    "Julia will leave right now." She must have been just as wound up as me because before I knew it she was sprinting away from the camp in the direction of the mansion.

    The rest of us sat in silence, I kept my eyes on the fire in front of me watching the way it moved like a body of water, dancing across the wood it called home. I stared at it feeling completely lost right now. My mind has been running all over itself since the guild hall. All I can think about is her.

    "Natsu." Erza spoke up, her voice commanding me to pay attention to her.

    I snapped my head up in the direction of her voice. Her gaze was guarded. "Please tell us whats running through your mind." she dictated to me.

    "yea flame brain, spill it." Gray teased.

    I growled slightly starting to get to my feet to fight him. I was cut off by Erza who raised her hand to stop me. All the steam that built up from Grays jab quickly deserted me. I slumped back onto the ground sitting crossed legged, I dropped my gaze to the ground.

    Lucy. Lucy was the only thing on my mind right now. The way her hair swayed in the wind, the smile that's always plastered on her nice soft lips. Her carefree attitude. She believed in everyone no matter the circumstances and showed us how much she enjoyed life.

    "I love you Natsu, don't forget that" I heard her words echo threw my brain.

    My eyebrows furrowed and I could help myself from locking my hands together and squeezing tightly. You told me that then left. I want to believe what you told me Luce.... But why did you leave without telling me...?  I would have gone with! so why!?

    I felt a cold hand press against my shoulder, "Natsu. If your worried about Lucy, don't fret. We will find out whats going on before long and once we have a clearer picture I promise you we will get her back. For now just take a deep breath and trust Juvia." she spoke softly pressing her forehead to mine. that simple gesture got me to release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

    "I-I just don't know what I can do..." I said, I could hear my voice wavering. "what if she left intentionally like..." I shut my eyes, no Igneel had a reason I just don't know of why he left.

    "oh Natsu...." I saw her start glowing and she reequipped out of her normal armor into her plain clothes and held me tight. "you and I both know Lucy is not like that. There has to be some foul play at work here and we just have to find it."

    "yeesh, First I had to follow Natsu awful sent only to find a pity party. I should have just stayed at the guild hall." I heard a deep baritone voice call out from behind Erza

    I looked up behind Erza to find Gajeel stand behind her holding something. It took me a second to realize what was in his hands. It was Lucy's diary and her gate keys!

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