Chapter 11 : Katherine Pierce

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Stefan's P . O . V .

She's the first person , who will actually not use me , and will hopefully love me for all of time . Because , I know what it is like to be nothing for no - one . Especially not any selfish fool......, on the loose . Running from something so evil , wanting something do bad : Katherine . Or should I say Katerina Polkalova . Glad he did try to kill her . I would be even happier if he captured her and slowly kill her (just dismember her already ) . Then when she's dead do it over and over again , untill she is useless . The hatred I have for Katherine .

Now back to Elena . Of course she's never do that ; she's a loving , kind person ............................ NOT A SELFISH OBSORED BITCH !

Yep . You thought I'd never be so mean , and my ripper self . Well ............... , there you go . It shows that sometimes you can't controll all of your emotions . Sorry Lex .This is Kabitcha's fault . Especially for turning me into a vampire .

Once I was a ripper . I hated it . I did . All of those drained bodies . I betta stop before I get too weak , and can't stop , or controll it . That word : BLOOD! Ewww.

And one more word .......... Damon . Forget about him ; he's just a jerk most of the time . And when he's not he's sitting down or sleeping ,  ( or pretending to anyway .) If he's not drinking someone's blood or killing them ,  he's drinking alcohol. Ooh , and don't forget being sarcastic (stupid guy turned off his humanity .) And destroying and ruining my life by : bombing the chances with Elena . The only way to stop him to stop him , is to leave town or ............... KILL HIM . I can't stake my own brother ; I can't leave him with Elena . If you leave him with something , he just takes it and makes you feel jealous . For instance 'blood' . He sits it there on the floor , looking at me in that me ........... in that way . That look saying " You know you want some " , kinda look . Ehh , creepy . But he can't make me join forces with him . In have musterd in all my power to tell my self that I will not help (at all ), or join him at any point ; no matter what I will not help him . The only way is for him to possess her . Keep her . Make him hers . Let him love her . If he can even do that . I know I'm his younger brother , however I will not allow it .

Why am I even bothering or even worrying ? I'm the one who's got her now . Great . Me worrying about something that probably won't even happen . Or,..................... is happening . I've gotta go get her , before Damon does . I got her first . I got her first . I got her first . In your face Damon Bighead.

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