Chapter 7 : Suprise ! Suprise !

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I felt a risky warning , down the back of my spine saying ............ danger ...........danger..........danger . Interrogations , that Damon was here .

Right now . He had to arrive , to be a nuisance again . He may not be a witch , but the sure hell word I describe for him rhymes with it .

Damon - " Stefan , sweet , stupid weak Stefan . "

Stefan - " What do you want Damon ? "

Damon - " You know what I want . "

Stefan - " No I don't , be more persific . And tell me ....... idiot . "

In Stefan's head

It's rather : making my life a misery or taking Elena .

In Damon's head

Yes ! Brother it actually is both . He never forgets that . He didn't' realise that I could read his mind . That's what happens with Stefy , because he's on rabbit blood . Not strong , powerful , masculine human blood . mmm , that made me hungry . Especially for Elena . Because Stefan reminded me of how to thin his life . I decided to say it out loud to him .

Damon - " Hey Stefan how's Elena . Looker of Katherine . Don't you think ? It would be a shame if I took her , and made her mine all mine . Don't you think ? I'm sure you've said that somewhere . Ohh , I forgot you write it . "

Stefan - " WHAT . You leave Elena alone , right now . Or I'll .............."

Damon - " You'rll do what . Stake me . You wouldn't do that to you're own brother . "

Stefan - " No . But I'll make you suffer. Look. Let's get it straight . Here right now . She's gonna be mine . And she'll stay with me F . O . R . E . V . E . R . Got it ? "

Damon - " No ! But I'll do something a little less worse ! ........... Find one if her bratty friends , and do something you'll hate . Maybe the most . You never know with YOU . U . S . E . H . E . R.... You hate that don't you brother . ............ WOW . Your going to try grab me . Ohh , push me through a window . Bigge . Now what are you going to do ? I took your ring . How you gonna survive ? Withought , your ring . "

Stefan - " Give it me back . NOW . "

Damon - " OK . I'll give it you back . First , your going to let me enjoy myself . Now I'll give you the ring . Your safe now . Calm down . Please . Will you do that for me ?

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