Everything will be okay. It's all going to be fine, we have love.

"Then, we'll definitely stay together forever." Mingyu whispers. "We'll even get married one day too, I believe in it."

"We just got into a relationship yesterday, you're going too fast, Mingyu." Wonwoo huffs, joking.

"I—I'm sorry!" A wave of panic rushes through Mingyu. Maybe it was too soon. Idiot, Mingyu.

"No, no," Wonwoo laughs. "I was joking, 'Gyu. To be honest, I..." He looks down, cheeks tinted pink, the color similar to that of rose quartz.

'So pretty,' Mingyu thinks.

"I hope that's possible when we're older." Wonwoo finishes. He smiles a small, shy smile. "I...I hope we can get married."

"What?" Mingyu asks, before realizing. "Oh—Oh! Um," He blushes profusely, happily. "That makes me happy."

"I just...hope that by then, the law will have changed, and people's minds will have become more open and kinder." Wonwoo sighs, and Mingyu knows exactly what he's talking about.

"Yeah, really. I agree. But hey, let's believe in it, and maybe it'll come true." Mingyu smiles. "Or, you know, we could get married in America just to officially be married, then come back to Korea."

"Or Taiwan, that's closer." Wonwoo adds, and Mingyu laughs.

"Yeah. We really could, you know? We can get married one day." Mingyu says.

"I'd like to." Wonwoo says honestly. I don't care if it sounds cheesy. It's the truth.

"Me too. Really." Mingyu squeezes Wonwoo's hand, and Wonwoo returns the squeeze, causing Mingyu to smile even more.

Wonwoo feels a tap on his shoulder, and he turns around to see Chanyeol. Wonwoo reacts cautiously, moving towards Mingyu, who protectively puts an arm around Wonwoo.

"Uh, wait! Please, Wonwoo, I just..." Chanyeol seems to panic, putting his hands up in surrender. "I really, really need to apologize to you."

Mingyu and Wonwoo exchange a glance. Wonwoo remembers what Mingyu had told him about Chanyeol wanting to come apologize, and his conversation with Baekhyun. This must be it, then.

"Please let me, I'll stand this far away from you." Chanyeol backs up, leaving a large space between him and Wonwoo. "If it makes you feel more, um...safe."

Mingyu tightens his grip around Wonwoo. Wonwoo slowly nods.

"Sure... You can apologize."

Chanyeol looks like he's about to cry. "Thank you! Really, thank you."

Chanyeol takes a deep breath. It seems like he has a lot to say, and he's really guilty and nervous about it.

"The truth is, I have a boyfriend." Chanyeol confesses. "I know, that's contradicting, after what I did to you that day, but I really regretted what I did, and I talked to my boyfriend about it. You know, my boyfriend seems really hyper and just excited all the time, but really, he's wise. He's so good with advice and helping people."

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