“Pfft, thanks guys, but you are so good. I love this song,” I laughed at their beaming faces.

“How did you remember the words – just from one listen?” Gerard questioned – I shrugged.

“It’s just such an amazing song,”

“… Wish my band was that good…” Lindsey sighed, “Your band is that good!” Gerard pouted.

“I want to listen!” Frank bounced – yes, bounced – up to Gerard, Ray, Lindsey and me.

“Bitches is the best!” Gerard started singing one of Mindless Self Indulgence’s songs.

"Throughout the projects, throughout the projects, throughout the projects… Bitches love me cause they know that I can rock!” Gerard sung as the song started – Lindsey had recorded it through her phone – so it wasn’t the best quality, but it sounded great to me!

“Wait… who sings? I thought you did?” I had always expected Lindsey to be the singer, like Paramore – Hayley Williams the only girl in the band was the singer, and the boys played the instruments.

“I’m the bass player, Jimmy Euringer is the singer – but he insists we all call him ‘Jimmy Urine’…” Lindsey laughed, “Jennifer Dunn is the drummer but she likes to be called ‘Kitty’, and Steve Montano or as he calls himself - ‘Steve Righ?’ Is our guitarist, we have pretty cool stage-names, I’m LynZ – which is basically the same… but yeah.” Lindsey turned off ‘Bitches’ – which I have to admit – despite the name and the kind of weird lyrics, was amazing!

“Oh… sounds cool,” I nodded, “How did you meet them?” I asked – wanting to know more about her, she really was a great girl. I just took simple things out of hand and grew them into something big.

“From my old school in New York, they were the best,” Lindsey smiled – a few tears glinted in her eyes, “You guys have to meet them – I’m going to visit them soon actually – when they visit me I will be sure to introduce them to all of you.”

The couples where all preoccupied with kissing – Frank and Jamia had no shame, while Alicia and Mikey were like timid little mice. I remembered what Gerard had said about liking Lindsey – I’m sure she likes him back. They were talking quickly now, wrapped up in their own little world.

Which left only me and Ray, the sadness was there in his eyes again. I wondered if I hadn’t answered to his ‘question’ about liking him – maybe he would have told me something else. Before we both chickened out.

“Are you okay, Ray?” I asked, to break the awkward silence – I hoped he would take it as just a friendly conversation – not because I saw the pain behind his soft eyes. He sent me a soft smile.

“As okay as you can be in high-school.” He laughed – but it had no emotion or love in it. I chuckled understanding what he was getting at. You can’t lie to yourself and say you are okay – when you are clearly not, so keep it simple. As long as the world isn’t ending, life is still worth living. Your heart isn’t really broken – no matter how much it hurts – ‘cos you’d be dead.

“Uhm.” Gerard cleared his throat – everyone broke apart, and listened.

“Would you all like to come to me and Mikey’s house for a, err, sleepover?” Gerard bit his lip nervously, awaiting a reply.

“Please come Alicia!” Mikey pleaded, “Seriously – it’s a mad house with Frank, Ray and Gerard around!”

“Sure, of course… as long as Jamia or Hope or Lindsey comes…” She smiled nervously at us.

“I’m in.” I smiled – already knowing where Gerard lived – basically on my street anyway.

“Of course I’m coming!” Jamia hugged Frank, “At least I have Hope, Alicia and Lyn – seriously,” She shot us a look, “I was stuck with the boys for a whole night a few days ago! Thank god for girls!” Jamia threw her hands up in the air.

“Yeah, but without boys you wouldn’t have me… and no babies!” Frank cocked his head to the side – looking like an innocent puppy.

“I’ll rid you of any mad-hood you have soon!” Jamia teased.

“… Wait, is that a good thing, or a bad thing… I mean… it might be good?” Frank muttered to himself – we left him to it and decided to plan the ‘sleep-over’.

“So, you in Lindsey?” Gerard asked.

“Of course – I basically suggested it!” She stuck out her tongue, Gerard blushed and stuttered for a minute.

“Y-yeah.” He smiled – regaining his composure. Look what she can do to him in just one simple gesture!

“Okay – I’ll see you all later, then, Mikey – explain to Alicia where we live,” He looked at us all seriously for a few seconds.

“Just remember… BRING SNACKS!"

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