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Your Pov

So, 2 weeks have passed since I last talked with Jaeden (sorry, long time skip because I'm taking forever :), we talked about some stuff that had to go with Science class, we were on the same team so we would currently meet up at someone's house, Jaeden and I were the only one's who didn't offer our houses out of our whole team, I don't know why he didn't but at least I had a reason, my parents were usually at work still after school, You wonder, than how do you get to your house? Well, my parents knew it'd be a problem to drive me back home from school on afternoons when their boss at work informed them their new job routines, their work ends up kinda late so they're usually home by 8:00, Sometimes I ask a friend if they can ride me there, my house is not far from the school, or IBut that's not really a problem to me, Yeah well it used to be one at the beginning, but it has been 2 years since then so I kind of get used to come home and not expect anyone to be waiting for me.

Anyway, That's my reason, my parents aren't home so they have me prohibited to invite anyone unless it's on weekends when they don't work and only if I have their permission, there are some exceptions though, when my sister, 5 years older than me (19) comes here, she usually stays at our house, she's been living in Canada for about 3 years now, University took her away from us, but oh whale, at least I can still see her sometimes, when she visits.

Jaeden? As I said, I Don't know what his reason could be, when they asked for someone in the team to borrow their house he never spoke, sometimes I noticed he would try to avoid the conversation by looking away "casually".

I tried talking to him a couple of times, he rather ignored me or replied to me with short "u-huh" "yeah" "ok" , That honestly, more than bothering me, it depressed me, Was I too obvious about my feelings for him that he's avoiding me? Does he thinks I'm annoying? I didn't know the answer to any of this questions, I rarely even talk to him anymore, he seems like he doesn't wanna talk so I decide to give him space, also it would be good to clear my mind for awhile. Oh also! I started to hang out with this other guy in the team, his name's Corey, he's really nice and handsome, but honestly I hang out with him because 1. He's now my friend, nothing more and 2. When I'm with him, I have fun, he's a good friend and that helps me distract my mind from Jaeden some time, but ,as usually, after some time he comes back to my mind and all these petrifying questions I have. But my main question still is, Does he feels the same way?

Jaeden's Pov

2 Weeks. 2 weeks since I last talked to Y/N, or most likely that she talked to me, I didn't like to talk a lot, Let's just say I'm not the best person ever when about expressing my feelings. FEELINGS. Something I didn't have clear yet, I don't know if I like Y/N or not, I mean, yes, she's beautiful, hilarious, kind and the one person that really talked to me and made me feel welcome to my new school, besides later, when she introduced me to Wen, one of her friends,

Andd well, her other friend, Olive, I already knew her, a lot to be honest.

Her parents and mines are really close friends so she often came to my house or I went to hers, from that came a beautiful friendship, that later she revealed me in a kind of indirect way for me to know that she had feelings for her, she was my best friend, that was all, and honestly I wanted to keep things like that, but she told me that, so me, supposing she wanted to be more than friends, I gave her a shot and asked her out, she instantly said yes.

Later on she broke up with me telling me she preferred when we were just friends, At the moment I acted like if she had hurt me, but internally I was really happy, I love Olive, but it's more kind of a Friendly Love, you know, not in a romantic way.

Now back on track, I decided to (not necessarily avoid) but take some time by keeping some distance from Y/N, I had to figure out what exactly I felt for her.

And let's just say, time payed off well, I did figure out my feelings, I realized them when she started to hang out with one of the team mates in the Science team I'm with her, his name is Corey I think, I don't know I don't remember and I don't care, I started to first feel some anger about it but then it's when I realized it, I was jealous, jealous of seeing her with another guy.

And so I asked myself, Why does something like watching Y/N and Corey spend time together gives me this feeling of jealousy?! Go away. Oh god. I know. I like her. Like, for real, I think I've developed feelings for her, feelings different than the ones I have for Olive or every other girl ever.

And so the question came to me.

Does she like me back?

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