The Call

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Vibrations on my arm wake me from my slumbering state. Looking at my wrist, I see a call from an unknown number on my iWatch. Slowly, I reach over onto my nightstand as I sit up and fumble around until I grab my phone and hastily slide the answer button before it goes to voicemail.

"Hello?" My voice comes out raspy, and I clear my throat. "This is Kristen."

"Ms. Weeks?" A female voice squeaks through the line, the pitch of her voice a little high.

"Yes, this is her. How can I help you?" I normally don't answer random phone calls, but I'm waiting on multiple job offers and interviews.

"My name is Tiffany, I work for the CEO of Sage & Co., I was calling on behalf of Mr. Sage. He would like to have an interview with you this Thursday at 9:30 AM, if you are available." My eyes bug out of my head, and I'm more than grateful that Cody decided to leave for work early this morning.

"Yes," I say too quickly. I clear my throat again. "Yes, Tiffany, I can meet with him then. Thank you."

"Very good, I will send confirmation via email as well. Have a good day." The dial tone signals the end of our conversation, and I let my hand holding the phone fall to the bed in shock as I stare at it.

I honestly didn't think I had a chance in hell at that position. I had been the assistant to the assistant to the boss since I graduated from Oklahoma State five years ago. In the last year I had been promoted to the CEO's executive assistant... However, I don't think it was because I was a badass at my job- even though I was. My boss, Mr. Castner, was interested in me. I'm one hundred percent convinced that is the reason he promoted me. Asshole. But I can handle the asshole boss, that's not the reason I left. I left because...well, it doesn't matter now. But on the bright side, I got 2 months paid severance. As long as I kept my mouth shut and left peacefully.

Grabbing my phone, I head to the restroom to get ready for the day. As I enter the bathroom in my little one-bedroom apartment, I am again struck with how lucky I am to have such an amazing bathroom. Seeing the toilet seat left up, yet again, I roll my eyes. Cody is such a slob. I really need to just let him go. But it's hard.

I step into my walk-in shower, and turn the water handle all the way to the hottest setting. While I let it heat up, I run into the kitchen and fill up my coffee maker and hit start. A slight woof jolts me, and I look at my feet to see my sweet goldendoodle giving me a sloppy smile.

"Good morning to you too, Jagger." I grin and lean down to scratch behind his ears. "You've been very quiet this morning. Normally you growl when Cody leaves the bedroom." He just shakes his head at me and nudges my leg. "Alright, alright. Let me grab your breakfast."

I pull his little package of food out of the fridge and cut it open. Immediately, I feel him jump up and put his paws on my butt and start scratching.

"Jagger, down." He sits down and tilts his head back and forth at me while whining quietly. "Good boy." I grab his bowl off of his placemat on the floor and squeeze his food into it. I check to make sure his water is full as I lay his bowl back down. I look at Jagger to make sure he's still sitting still. His little tail is wagging a million miles an hour, but he hasn't moved. "Eat." He scrambles to his bowl and goes to town.

I giggle as I walk back into my room and shut the door.


After taking my shower and giving Jagger a nice long walk in the fall air, I drop him back off at the apartment before heading out.

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