Why Are You Here?

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(Jordan's POV)

It took a few hours to convince Aleks to go home and take a shower. "So what else are we doing?" Aleks asked while getting out of the car, he walked up to me with a smile. "Whatever you want"

"I've been thinking..." He trailed off, confused I looked down at my Russian boyfriend. "About what?"

"Well uhm, you know. I'm ready to....give you my virginity" Aleks nervously said, scratching the back of his neck. Smiling I started walking to the door. "Are you sure? I want you to be comfortable, not feeling forced or anything"

He looked down, turning his head up he kissed me on the lips when I opened the door. "I've never been so sure" Smiling I kissed him again while entering the house.

"Jordan?" I Heard a familiar voice, pulling away from Aleks I looked around. My eyes finding brown eyes that were covered with glasses. "Monica? What the-what are you doing here?" I asked while walking up to her. How did she even get into my house?

"Well I still have the extra key, and I needed to talk to you" She said, trying to grab my hand but I pulled it away from her reach. Seeing the key in her hand I snatched it away from her. "What do you want" I coldly asked, turning around I tossed Aleks the key.

"It's private"


She sighed and looked at Aleks, anger evident in her eyes. "Can he leave?" Monica asked pointing at Aleks, rolling my eyes I walked to Aleks and whispered. "It's okay, we'll continue when she's gone." He nodded and hugged me before heading upstairs.

Once I heard the door closed I turned to her. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't know you were gay..." She started saying. Sighing I ran my hand threw my hair. "It's bi Monica"

She stepped forward Burr I stepped back. "I miss you" Monica whispered, looking straight into my eyes. She moved closer to me again, sighing I looked somewhere that wasn't her. "I think you should g-"

She kissed my lips.


For The First Time | KootraHDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt