The Demon Hound Part 2

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~ Timeskip ~

3nd-person POV
   All the three servants, plus Tanaka and (y/n), went out in search of Angela. "Angela! Angela!! Angela!!!" They constantly shouted in search for her. That is until they see a mysterious figure from a short distance.

The naked white haired male went to a small hill that like others. It had different limbs on it, and he started to sniff, as well as move a familiar arm from one area on the hill to another.

   "Hey, isn't that Barrymore's arm?" Bard mentioned and we all observe the arm, seeing Barrymore's ring on the arms finger.

"Hey, it is his arm, so the demon hound never killed Barrymore, it was just another human." (y/n) said as she continued to observe the stranger.

   "The main question we have to ask here is why? Why would this person kill Barrymore? What were the grudges this person has against Barrymore?" (y/n) asked.

   Mey-Rin simply nodded, stares for a few seconds, and got a nosebleed. "W-w-what a thrilling lower region, y-yes!" Mey-Rin said. We all sweat-drop. "Dear god Mey-Rin." (y/n) said, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

   "But still, could Angela have something to do with this?" Mey-Rin questioned as she had a flashback if Angela with Barrymore on his knees.

"No way! Angela couldn't be a part of this! You can't just go jumping to conclusions!" Finny yelled. "Finny, quit yelling." (y/n) whisper yelled at him. Finny immediately covered his mouth but it was too late, the stranger already spotted us and licked his lips.

Finny just stood next to the mound that the group was hiding behind. Finny stared in shock as he remembered that the "human" they saw before them, and he was the same person with Angela that night.

After almost a minute of staring and freaking out, there came a rumble and when the group looked over, they see the villagers running over. "What are you guys doing here, and why are you wearing those uhh..." Bard said as he started questioningly at the villagers.

   "We came here to do our warm up!" They said. (?) (IDK stretches whatever you call them). "We came here to release and clean our sins (Don't we all) after we heard the demon hound howling all night." They said.

   Finny then had a flashback of when he was running outside that night, howling as he ran. He freaked out and ran away. "Finny! Come back!" The group begged him as they run after him.

~ Short Timeskip ~

3nd-person POV
Everyone stops running as they see a giant shadow behind the fog. The group suddenly hears growling, and also see vibrant red eyes. "It's the Demon Hound!" The group said as the animal ran towards them.

At that moment he realizes something. He quickly observes the paw of the giant wolf, and notices fabric of the dress that Angela wears. Finny got upset and latched into the paw of the animal.

Finny shortly after fell off and the animal's paw was a couple of feet away from crushing the poor boy, until he looked up. He saw that Sebastian was there, as well as Kyle, with Sebastian supporting the weight of the animal's paw, and Kyle looking down at Finny.

"You alright Finny?" Kyle said.
"Y-yeah, I'm alright." Finny replied with a shaken voice. "Kyle! Sebastian! Your here!" (y/n) said in excitement.

   "Of course, why wouldn't I!" Kyle says as she walks up to (y/n) to hug her as he smirks at Sebastian. "It's good to se you (y/n)." Sebastian said. "It's good to see you too!" She replied.

   Kyle went to let go of (y/n), much to his disappointment. "This hound needs some sort of discipline." Kyle said. "For once, I agree with you devil." Sebastian commented. "I'm not sure how to feel about that name you've given me." Kyle said.

The Queen's Tiger - Various!Black Butler x Demon!Reader (on hold) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu