Chapter 12

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My happiness was short lived, my family returned home and I was left all alone with a mate that is constantly angry wth the world and is so bipolar. For a split moment, I thought things would change; but I was wrong yet again.

Bryn and I are on speaking terms again, apparently I was a little over dramatic which I probably was. This past week has been a complete blur for me, Malakai has done everything in his power to stay away from me. I don't know what I've done wrong but then again, I'm not really complaining as I want to be alone. He will always walk in the opposite direction to me, he can't look me in the eye, he's always doing work and he's done so much that I know he's finished it all. He's just making up excuses because he actually showed me that he cares.

Tim and Bryn are the happiest couple out there, they're enjoying life and enjoying the fact that they're mates. They've already had sex, they call it making love even though they broke the bed. That cannot be making love and this feels a lot like twilight. It kinda makes me feel sad... I want a relationship like that.

I seem to be staring at the mirror a lot lately, but not actually looking... if you know what I mean. I'm drifting into space then when I wonder back, I look at my neck and see it; what happened and what my blood somehow did to get her reeling back and out of there. No one has seen her, well... I'm the only one that knows what she looks like and I haven't been leaving the house. I'm scared. What if she comes again? What if this time, my blood doesn't turn into some sort of poison to her.

What is wrong with me? There has to be something about me. Catalena-Kynthia King. What a strange name. And of course, the human has to bare such secrets.

"Lena?" I look up from staring at the ground, my knees are to my chest and I'm sitting on the couch just thinking. Malakai is staring down at me, his face is blank but his eyes tell me different. There's so many thoughts wondering around that brain of his.

"Yes?" I question quietly.

"Are you okay?" Those words pass his lips and they actually shock me. I stay silent until I realise that he is staring, waiting for my response.

"Fine. I'm fine," he watches me for a moment, not believing me. He then sighs and walks away with heavy feet.

Why does it feel like my parents are hiding something from me? There's something they aren't telling me, all I know I that my name means something to someone. And I must not share that information with anyone but myself. Not even my mate. But then again, I don't really talk to my mate as he's only recently started showing the slightest amount of care.

About 30 minutes later, Malakai walks into the lounge room with a towel around his hips- hanging dangerously low. He has a v line, if he catches me staring then it's his fault because he came out looking like this. He sits down on the other couch and turns on the television, I stare at him with my mouth open. He catches me staring and raises his eyebrows, "done googling at me?" He smirks.

I huff, "I was not. I was staring in disgust, why aren't you wearing pants? Or a shirt..." I trail off in awkwardness.

"Wasn't bothered to put pants on, plus I thought I'd keep you company," he winks making me roll my eyes.

"Well I'd feel way more comfortable if you wore clothes," I'm not going to let him know that he has a fine ass body. He can continue thinking that I'm repulsed by him.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, the doorbell rings making him stand and grab his wallet. Weird. Is he paying people to leave him alone? Sex? Drugs? Food? Charity? It could be anything. I peel my head around and watch him, I smell.... pizza. He walks back in holding two boxes of pizza in his hands.

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