Chapter Two

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As I unlocked the door to my new apartment, I heard someone behind me mutter something to the person next to them. I couldn't hear much I but I did catch: 'She looks outrageous.'

I decided to try and shrug it off as I entered my apartment. It wasn't much, just a kitchen/dining area, one bathroom, one bedroom and a living room that could barely fit the couch. It was small and cozy.

"It's perfect!" I exclaimed excitedly. I always preferred smaller places. It makes me feel safer, and warmer. I threw all the gifts that I got from the introductory building this morning onto the couch, grabbed the 1,000 dollars they gave me, put it inside my complimentary tote bag, and ran out the door.

I wasn't sure what I should do first. In all honesty, I didn't want to get a job right away because I knew it would be hard finding one, and because I just really didn't want to.

So I decided I should probably get something to eat since I hadn't had anything yet, so you can imagine how hungry I was. There was a cute little café near my apartment complex, so I decided to go there.

Walking down the street was like walking though a child's drawing of a city. The buildings were colored vibrant hues of blues and purples, with a splash of some other complementary colors. Along the buildings were streamers and fairy lights made to accent the blues. Each unit had a specific color scheme. 'I wonder what everything would look like from way high up in the sk-'

Before I could finish my sentence, my thoughts were interrupted by a group of boys leaning against a shop that I just so happened to be walking past. One of them had whistled at me. Probably referring to my large bust size. Another had yelled: "Nice design! Where'd your creator get they're inspiration, Party City?"

The other boys erupted into laughter as I was left feeling worried and belittled. Was my design truly that outrageous? And had one of them just cat called me?! I decided to try ignore them and walk briskly to the café. But as soon as I entered, some people looked up from their coffee and pastries at me.

Some of them ignored me, but most of them stared and whispered. I tired to hide my face by looking down and walking quickly towards the cashier. She had long blonde locks, dark skin and piercing green eyes. Her lip and nose rings stuck out on her round face.  She looked like your typical Starbucks barista.

"What can I get for you?" She asked in an unenthusiastic voice. "Uhm, I'd just like a chocolate muffin please. To go" I could feel the entire cafés eyes on me. Their gaze felt like little daggers on my back.

As soon as I paid for my muffin, I quickly walked out of there, well, it was more like running to be honest. I felt like I was an outcast, not allowed to be in their coffee shop. I closed my apartment door behind me and silently ate my muffin while I scrolled through my phone that my creator had me always carry, I was still breathing heavily from the running and anxiety I was feeling.

As I was looking through my Chatterbox feed,(A social media network), I realized that hardly anyone was designed with bright colors, tons of accessories, and, well, generally looked like me. As I said before, I'm not particularly fond of my design, but now...

"Are-... are people acting this way around me, because of the way I look?" My mind was swirling with thoughts, I and my eyes started to water. It was my first day and I was pretty much already having a panic attack. But that night, as I lay in bed alone, trying to fall asleep, I slowly came to realize that it was true.

'I am an outcast, aren't I?'


The next morning, I awoke to the sound of an electric guitar. A loud electric guitar. I got out of my bed banged on the wall as a way to tell my neighbor to quiet down. And they did.

For about 30 seconds.

I had just barely crawled back into my bed when that music started playing again. And this time it was even louder! I didn't want to deal with this after the day I had yesterday, so I got up again and yelled: "Would you shut up?!" A voice answered back. "Nah, I'd rather keep playing." I recognized that voice. It was the same snarky tone from the introductory building. It was Ember! "Well, your music is disruptive to our neighbors." I told him.

"Like I care."

Then suddenly, a new voice from above my apartment chimed into our conversation. It was light and lively, it belonged to a girl. "Well, some of us do." She said. "Well then why don't you just go find a new apartment?" Ember replied.

"I would if I could afford it."

Then I asked the girl "I'm sorry, but who are you?" "Oh! My name is Over." She replied in a cheerful tone. A complete one eighty from her original mood of annoyance. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Clover. I'm Janna Lee. J-Lee for short." I️ said.

"Can you two shut up?" Ember grouched. "I️ could ask you the same thing." Clover spit back at him. "Agh, whatever. I don't need this shit!" Ember finally shouted. I could tell he was about to leave his apartment. So I immediately ran out to catch him. As soon I closed my door, Ember opened his.

"Oh great, it's you. Come out here to scold me some more?" He snapped. "Hey, I don't like this anymore than you do." I snapped back. "And no, I just wanted you to know who you're going to be living next to until you get an actual house." I smiled smugly.

Ember rolled his eyes, closed his door, and walked away. In all honesty, I didn't come out here just to make one last remark, I just wanted to see Ember. The way his black and red hair fell flawlessly in front of his face gave him this elusive, off limits look. His trench coat, perfectly framing his thin body, and the way he walked with such confidence made me wish I had his self esteem and confidence. I admired him for that. 

But I mean- it's not like, I like him. He's just pretty cool I think.

Unoriginal Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon