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one ordinary day i was walking to school, i know that is how so many stories start but mine was the average story. i was a normal person, like i said WAS. Something appeared in the air, it sounds like something out of a fairy tale but seriously i really cant describe it. me not being a morning person obviously thought i was sleepwalking/daydreaming while walking. i closed my eyes trying to make myself wake up.

When i opened my eyes i was bloody terrified to find that i had officially gone crazy because i saw 1940s London during the Blitz. And here i was a 21st century girl standing here in my skinny jeans and hoodie (it was non school uniform).

Ok,ok now im gonna describe myself, my name is Leanna, i have blonde hair which i swear on the lives of puppies has a mind of its own, i also have blue eyes. i am usually an extremly chatty person who is ussually cheerful and i love animals, my phone,and books. At the start of this strange tale it was 2017 and i was 14 almost 15.

Like i said 1940s london , you know the usuall for walking to school, i realised that i was still listening to my  music so i paused it and hid it in my pocket, even i know enough about time traveling to know that yuo dont have your Samsung out in the middle of WWII.

-------------------------time skip-------------------------------------

i finally adjusted and  ended up with the homeless children of london who scavenge food and suplies out of peoples houses during the air raids. 

i was so  used to it now after 6 months or so which was worrying. or course i found it terrifying and so hard to stop acting like a 21st century girl who was used to the internet and tv and smartphones and the safety of my old life where you didn't have to fight for every slice of bread instead on nipping to the Co-op at the end of your road.

I had learnt how to fight and fight dirty, as you do when living on the streets during a World War. I was also a very good thief and was almost silent on my feet. 

At first i wondered what would happen to me if i died, but i soon forgot and me and Nancy led the group. we  lost kids through either evacuation or death, usually the latter, i mean this was WWII and almost every night the bombers would come over. i wasn't as scared of the bombs as i knew i should be but instead kept thinking about how many peoples lives would be taken not just on our side but the other civilians on the other side and all the lives that would be lost in the future. i wished i could stop it not just for the whole side of the Allies but also for the inividulales and their familes, everyone here had lost someone.

AN- sorry no torchwood/dr who yet 

-Sarah :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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