"Well, since you are here, we might as well dance." Gwendolyn stood, eager to ignore her delusions

"I am not much of a dancer." Alaric frowned, standing still like a pillar in front of her.

"That is okay, I will teach you." He didn't have much of a chance to protest as Gwendolyn pulled him back to the dancefloor. She grabbed his hand and walked him over to the center of the dancefloor.

From where they were, the crowd made them nearly invisible to the men standing guard, though she was sure they could still see her. She was watched at all times of the day it felt like.

When she finally found an open spot on the dance floor, Gwendolyn stopped and turned to face Alaric. It was then she realized that she may have made a mistake.

He was entirely too handsome and the liquor flooding her veins had the potential of making her too bold.

Nonetheless, she danced. Alaric stood there, watching the people who were nearby, glaring at whoever moved too close to them.

"You need to stop working." Gwendolyn huffed.

Alaric's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You're watching everyone else." Gwendolyn said, taking his hands again and pulling him closer, "Eyes on me."

While Alaric hadn't begun to dance, he did obey in watching her. She could feel his gaze on her, burning everywhere his eyes traveled.

He watched her closely and intentently and she couldn't help but notice that they grew darker. Maybe it all wasn't in her head.

Feeling emboldened, Gwendolyn went to voice her thoughts when she was stopped by Willow. She tried to hide her frown at the interruption before smiling.

"Oh! He's here, that makes me feel so much better for what I have to say next." Willow exclaimed, her voice barely understandable over the loud music and conversation.

"I have to go, I have something to um... attend to," Willow said into Gwendolyn's ear, out of earshot of Alaric.

"Something or someone?" Gwendolyn asked.

"I could ask you the same." Willow turned before she could see Gwendolyn's reaction, "Make sure she gets home safely."

Willow disappeared into the crowd, leaving Gwendolyn frowning. Now, there was no way for her to leave the club without being escorted by the guards. The last thing she wanted to do was get into an Uber by herself at a time like this.

"I'll take you home," Alaric said as if he could hear her thoughts.

"How?" Gwendolyn asked, "You'll get in trouble for being here when you are supposed to be off."

"I have a way to get out of here without us being seen," Alaric answered, "Plus, I haven't been drinking as much as you, I can drive you home."

The thought of being alone with Alaric made her perk up, Gwendoly nodded her head enthusiastically. She attempted to calm herself when Alaric took her hand and began escorting her through the crowd.

Instead of walking to the front doors, Alaric made his way near the hallway where the bathrooms were walking past the lines towards the fire exit.

Gwendolyn questioned the safety of the club when Alaric was able to open the emergency exit doors without the alarm signaling. The exit deposited them into an alley that divided the club and the restaurant next door.

He held her hand as they exited the alleyway. "Does your friend always ditch you?"

"It's likely she only left because she saw you were here. It is not usually her thing."

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