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First of all, A special thank you to those four people (mrgreyareakarriebloomermerfairy) for helping me make that amazing song for Taylor's performance to Darko. They each wrote me as much as they could, and I compiled it, taking what lyrics I liked, and formed the song that you ALL know and (hopefully) love. Without the four of your's help, this book will never have been complete. Taylor would never have told Darko how he really felt without you four. I sincerely thank you four for being amazing and to continue being amazing. <3 (stick around, because most of you will be mentioned again!) Also another thank you to whatdreamsrmadeof for writing me some lyrics, but they never made the final cut. I apologise so much for that, but I want you to know that I still deeply appreciated the effort you put into it. <3 

A thank you for ReneeShantel - your paragraphs at the end of nearly every chapter kept me motivated to write. Seeing your username pop up in my notifications never failed to make me smile like a goofball for the entire day. Without you, and many others, I would never have found the motivation to finish this. xx

A big big BIG thank you to  for showing me what my strengths and weaknesses were in this novel, how to guide my future novels, and for being a freakin amazing reader. May your future novels and future critiques bring smiles to your readers, as you have done with me. xo 

Thank you malik049 for always making me laugh at your reactions when you read my novel. I think I've picked up on a few spanish phrases because of you! hahah :D

karriebloomer. Hopefully, you know what I'm about to say. I'm worried at the amount of times i'm going to say thank you within this paragraph. Oh well - here goes! Thank you so much for writing me those lyrics that you ever so willingly donated to me. Your act of kindness... I couldn't let it go unnoticed. Thank you for those. Also, thank you for believing that my book can make it to the bookstore, as a hard copy, and for believing that It has the potential to change lives and inspire others. Your kind words mean so much to me. Thank you. <3 

Thanks royalfuckup for that unprompted shoutout on that forum a while back, and for saying how awesome my cover was. Also, thanks for showing such a huge interest in this. You gave me motivation when I needed it most, and trust me, I needed it a lot. You provided, and I am eternally grateful. <3 

Well, SerendipityD, you know what i'm about to say. Thank you so much - for everything. For being there for me when I needed to rant about boys, for being there to send our randomly long paragraphs of messages, for being there when I was low and needed a great story to hear. But, most importantly, thank you so much for believing in this novel, for being my favourite reader, and a person I can genuinely call my friend. <3 

RemoTheJerk. Dude. I don't know what happened to you (you seem to not have been on here for months. I miss you and your presence). You are funny, sweet, very creative and the best person to talk to about American Horror Story! Enough gushing about that, though. Thank you for your initial unwavering support. I hope you see this. <3 

Same (kind of) goes for you, crystalclair15. I miss you too. I have no idea where you went - yes, I get it, people have lives outside of Wattpad. I just miss your presence here. Our conversations were golden and your comments were even better than gold. Thank you for being so supporting and encouraging. <3 I hope you see this in the foreseeable future <3 

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