We finally pulled away so we could breathe. (To our dismay)

"I think they'll be wondering what's taking us so long. We better get up there. Plus, the other miraculous users are waiting," I explained.

Chat pouted a bit, but eventually agreed.

When in the streets of Parisa...

We were just walking in the streets of Parisa.

No one recognises us.

No one saw me as Ladybug. (Yes I am transformed right now. And yes, word had quickly spread about Ladybug's existence.)

No one saw Chat Noir as, well, Chat Noir.

They just saw us as average citizens.

I leaned over to Chat's ear and whispered, "Why aren't they recognising us?"

"Our miraculouses activated an invisible shield or something. Honestly, I have no clue," He whispered back.

Suddenly, a girl that looked my age ran up to us and said, "I feel like I know you two from somewhere."

She had brownish reddish air that faded into a pretty orangish color. She had grayish hazel eyes with glasses. But what I also noticed was...

She had a fox tail necklace.

My mind traveled back to Master Fu's room. I remember seeing the necklace in an open Chinese themed box.

She was the fox miraculous holder!

So, I asked, "Hey, can we talk to you for a second? In private?"

She gave me a skeptical look, but then nodded.

We walked in silence until we found an alley way.

"First of all, what's your name?" I asked.


"Well, Alya, I am Ladybug. And this is Chat Noir, " I said as I gestured to him. "And you, whether you know it or not, are the fox miraculous holder."

She stared at me blankly for a while.

"How'd you know?"

"Well, your necklace kinda was a clue for us, " Chat pointed out.

"And we are miraculous holders as well, so we'd be dumb if we didn't recognize it," I explained.

Alya then looked over towards Chat. "Soo... the pirate king is the black cat miraculous holder?"

He shrugged. "Pretty much."

"Makes sense..."

There was a moment of awkward silence until Alya spoke again.

"So, what do you want?"

"We want you to join us in the fight to defeat Hawkmoth," Chat and I said in unison.

"Join you guys to defeat that wimp...?!"

"Oh no," I thought.

"I'm in!"

Me and Chat perked up in excitement.

Chat stuck out his fist and smirked. "Pound it?"

Alya and I smiled. "Pound-"

Just about as we were about to fist bump, screams of terror were heard not to far away.

We all looked at each other.

"Trixx, fangs out!"

Her clothing was replaced with a fox themed, skin tight suit, along with a tail and ears.

Then we all said, "Let's go!"

We traveled across the rooftops of Parisa until we it to where the screams were heard.

There was no one there.

But, something zoomed past behind us. We looked.


"I think we should go back in time to where the miraculous holders didn't exist," the voice spoke.

Then a figure stepped from a corner. I instantly knew it was an Akuma.

"Hello there, my name is Timebreaker. And think it's time for you three to be erased from existence!"

And then she charged at us.

Again, sorry for not updating in a while for you all to come to a rather crummy chapter. And like I said earlier, I've been having a writer's block lately. I wish I could find some inspiration....

*packs up bags*
*moves to Paris*
*lives a happy and writer's block free life for the rest of my days*

There. Problem solved. (Haha, if only.😂😂) Anyways, have a great day guys! Peace out!😎✌

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