Chapter 30

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Choi Younghee's POV

I put my hand on my forehead. Why my cold not heal yet ? I'm really done with laying on bed for the two days. When I tried to get fresh air, dad will say that our house big enough for me to get fresh air. Gosh, which part in this house got fresh air. I wore my sweater and went downstairs. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Seungcheol. I thought he will call me every night.

" Hey, sis "

" Yeah ? "

" Wanna out ? " he asked. Of course, I want.

" Actually we don't have time to buy food, so my lovely sis, can you buy it for us ? This will be a good excuse for you to go out " I rolled my eyes. I looked at dad who read newspaper. Why he didn't go to hospital ?

" You better pay me back " I warned him. I heard he shouted happily.

" Thank you, cutie. I love you " duh, he said that when I helped him only. I have really a good brother here.

" I love me too. Bye " I hang up.

" Dad, Camel - I mean Seungcheol ask me to help him to buy food for his members " I spoke up. Dad put down his newspaper and looked at me suspicious.

" Dad, if I can't move around, when I can back to hospital ? " I asked him.

" You really want to go out. Call Joongki - "

" He joined emergency team " I cut him. I want to groan now. How can dad let him be in that team while I'm not ?

" Okay then " I want to jump.

" Thanks ! " I ran upstairs.

Since I'm not in good condition, I wore white tee with jeans. Didn't forget my sweater. It cold. I mean for me. I took my bag and get ready to leave. When I made eyes contact with dad, he just shook his head. I'm sorry dad but you know me. I still remember when I caught cold before. I made Joongki and him went to river.

I turned on the car engine and drove to restaurant nearby. I know what they like. I bought pizza for them. It really a lot for thirteen members. I also bought chicken for them. Will I be able to carry these later ? When I arrived, I stared at the food that I bought. I need someone to help me. I called Hansol and in a few minutes, he came down.

We carried food for thirteen monster. Have I tell you that it been a month since I didn't see them ? It happened after Joongki took my place to take over him. We reached at their practice room. I put the food at one side. Seungcheol said that they need to practice two times more before eating. That guy really strict.

I saw a few papers on couch. I collected it and read it. Ah, it their new song. I put that beside before focus on them. They danced to Very Nice. This my first time see them doing this. It still my fault for not check on YouTube about them. It really turn out prettily. I will give thumbs up to Hoshi.

" Hye noona ! " Dino ran to me and was about to hug me when Seungkwan pushed him until he fell.

" Like seriously, Seungkwan " I looked at him disbelief.

" Gosh, you don't know how clingy he will be later " Seungkwan said and rolled his eyes.

" Thanks " Seungcheol said. I nodded.

" Your song really good and I love the dance " I commented. They looked at me weirdly.

" Are you acting like this when you sick ? " Hansol asked me. I raised my eyebrows.

" Like what ? " what's wrong with them ?

" You being too friendly when you not " Wonwoo replied for Hansol. I shrugged my shoulder.

" She just too excited because she can leave house " Jeonghan exclaimed. Maybe.

" I want to go rooftop" Mingyu stood up and left. They looked at him for a moment before continued eating.

" I don't know that Mingyu hyung push food away " Dino whispered to Hansol. I can heard it since Hansol sat beside me.

" I forgot that I need to do something ! I need this bye " I said while taking one vitamin drink with me.

I left their practice room and went to rooftop. He laid on bench. What so good about this place ? Duh, I always use hospital rooftop to release my stress. I headed to him and put vitamin drink beside him. He looked at me before quickly sat up. None of us utter word.

" You know about her " I spoke up. He stared at me.

" Seungcheol Hyung told me after you left " he explained. No wonder I saw Minjeong there before.

" Thanks for visiting her when I'm not around " why it so awkward ? We used to talk like this at hospital.

" You should not thank me. You should mad at me for making everything that way " he exclaimed.

" Three months I tried to do that but I can't. You still his father " I played with my hand. I took a deep breath.

" So, good luck for your comeback. I support you guys. I'm sure if I tell the others, they will ask me who I will support " I chuckled. I stood up and was about to leave when he grabbed my hand.

" Get well soon. I hope you be happy with him " I tried to say about it but my head nodding. I left disappointedly.

Why I can't talk about it ?
When I already prepared

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