Chapter 21

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My lips formed a smile when I found out about Yerin's son. They said he slowly change. If before he will cry anytime, now you can only hear him giggling. He still need to go through the operation. Dr Jeongmin asked me to take care of it since he believe on me. I will do it because I know Yerin not more than that. The operation will be held on this Friday.

I ignored what the nurse talked about me. They said I have a thing with Joongki and gave me damn hard time here. I should join emergency team later so I won't see this kind of people. All of this because of Joongki. He always disturb me and annoyed me. Wait, he being to close with me more than before. Just don't ask how was that.

" Hey, bunny " I smiled to her. She replied my smile. She was pretty.

" Unnie, will I be fine ? " she asked. I was froze for a moment but I calmly reply.

" You will and I'm sure you will " I smiled to her. My eyes caught a picture on table.

" Who was that ? " I asked her and pointed at that picture.

" My favorite boy group, Seventeen " this ten years old girl also know about them while I don't.

" You like them ? " I asked curiously.

" Yes ! They like my second family " She replied.

" I wish I could see them but I know that I won't " she added and looked down. I caressed her hair.

" Don't be sad. You need to heal so you can see them " I comforted her. She nodded and smiled.

I wrote report about her condition. Hyerin. A strong ten years old girl. She was really sick and it her heart. She need to get donation. I tried to find the donate but it not that easy. If there have, it don't suit her. I left her suite and went to my office. I opened the data of the patient that could possibly be the donation.

It been two days that I couldn't sleep to do this. I need to work hard for this. She can be save and her live still long. Everyone deserve to live and happy. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was Seungcheol. I pressed the green button.

" Yes ? "

" Sis, is it your work already finish ? " he asked. I looked at the clock. My work already end since one hour ago. I just want to stay for a while.

" Yeah, why ? I thought you sleep at dorm "

" Yeah, actually my things left in your car. It really important so can you send it to me ? " well, Seungcheol sleep at his dorm since he an idol. He will back when he got free time while I still don't have free time to check on who that Seventeen.

" Okay, where you want me to send that ? " I asked and closed the laptop.

" Can you straight to my dorm ? " great ! It will take me half an hour to arrive.

" See there " I hang up.

I took off my coat and took my things before leaving the room. I went lobby and found Joongki flirted with the counter nurse. She gave me a smirk. What ? Is it she think I care ? My butt don't hurt at all. I rolled my eyes and left to my car. I turned my head at back. No wonder he sound like father lose his child. It was his laptop. His life.

With a lazy felt, I drove to Seungcheol's dorm. I turned on the radio and prayed that tonight won't have heavy rain. Why tonight ? Seungcheol might force me to sleep at his dorm like he used too but I ran away before. After half an hour, I arrived in front of his dorm. I took his laptop bag and pressed the bell. The door opened and revealed a guy.

" Who's there ? " He asked and what with the high tone.

" Seungcheol's sister " I replied.

" Password ? " Is it he kidding me ?

" Just tell him that his sister is here " I said annoyedly.

" Seungcheol hyung ! Your sister is here ! " Geez.

" Tell Younghee to wait for a while ! " Seungcheol shouted

" Wait, Younghee ? Don't you remember me ? " Guy early asked. I gave him confused look.

" I'm Seungkwan " what ?

" Sorry, I didn't notice it you " I sighed. He changed a lot. I guess or I tried to forget my life here.

" Come in " he opened the door. It took me a while for me to enter or not.

" You an idol ? " I asked Seungkwan. He nodded.

" Hansol, Wonwoo and Mingyu too " I froze when I heard his name. He too ? But why Seungcheol asked me to be here ? I will punch him later.

" I should introduce you to others " Seungkwan exclaimed.

" No, I'm fine " I said. He pouted.

" Can you hand this to Seungcheol ? I really need to leave " I stood up and handed Seungcheol's bag to Seungkwan. He looked at me confusedly.

" That fast ? " He looked at me disbelief. I can't stand any longer. I nodded.

" I might get emergency call later " I replied.

" What do you mean ? " he asked.

" I'm a doctor " I sighed.

" You achieve your dream. I'm proud of you " okay.

" I'm going " I said. He nodded understand. I stepped out from their dorm but I bumped into someone.

" Oh, I'm sorry " I apologize to that person.

" Younghee ? " I looked up.

" Wonwoo ? " He smiled.

" Hyung, did you know her ? " I looked behind him and I saw a few guys behind him. I froze when I saw one of them. Oh shot.

It was him

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