“I’ll prove it to you. I promised you that I was going to quit and I’m going to keep that promise. I love you too much to hurt you again,” Red said, tears now falling from his eyes and down his cheeks.

Green looked at his childhood rival and frowned. He seems like he’s telling the truth. He wouldn’t cry if he was lying. Trust is an important part in a relationship, Green. You have to trust him.

No matter how much the brunet tried to convince himself to not let his guard down around Red, he did. He wrapped his arms around Red and pulled him close.

“I believe you,” Green simply stated.

Red began to wail in Green’s chest, wrapping his arms around the brunet’s waist tightly. The champion’s red hat fell off of his head in the process. Green grunted at the sudden tightness, but didn’t say anything. Instead, his right hand came up to Red’s head and gently stroked the black hair.

“Shhh, it’s okay,” Green hushed his boyfriend, still stroking his hair lovingly.

A few minutes passed and Red still had his face buried in Green’s chest, lightly sniffing. Finally, Red spoke up.

“I should have told you about Peter. I’m sorry. I didn’t think about –“

“It’s okay, it’s all settled now,” Green interrupted, gently pulling away from the raven-haired man.

The brunet gave his boyfriend a small kiss on the forehead. He bent down and picked up Red’s hat before handing it to him.

“You dropped something,” Green smiled.

“Thanks,” Red slightly smiled as he took the hat from Green and placed it back on his head.

“As I said before, I have to work from nine to five tomorrow, so I should head home and get some rest,” the brunet said. He didn’t really want to leave Red, but it was really late and work was already boring enough as it is – he didn’t want to fall asleep in the middle of a battle.

Red frowned. “Goodnight.”

Green swooped down and stole a quick kiss from Red’s lips. “Goodnight.”

The black-haired man smiled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck, pulling him in for a longer kiss. Green muffled a yelp against Red’s lips in surprise, but soon wrapped his arms around his waist.

Red’s lips were so warm and soft. Every kiss he shared with Red was a wonderful one. Green wanted nothing more than to just kiss Red all day, but unfortunately, this was the real world.

Green pulled away from his boyfriend and gave him a peck on the tip of his nose.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Maybe we can watch that movie after I meet Peter,” Green said, referring to when Red asked him earlier if he wanted to come by and watch a movie.

“It’s a date,” Red smiled at his boyfriend before watching him leave his house.

Green walked back to his house only to find that Daisy wasn’t outside anymore and his house lights were off. She probably went to bed now that she knows I’m safe.

A pang of guilt washed over the gym leader as he quietly opened the door to his house. His sister cared about him so much, but he always pushed her away. She had become so paranoid over his safety ever since their parents died when Green was on his pokemon adventure.

The brunet child was at a Pokemon Center. He was sitting on a bench, sobbing at the loss of his raticate. After Red had defeated Green on the S.S. Anne, Green was challenged by another trainer before he could get back to his room. The naïve child accepted the challenge and his poor raticate was severely burned by a rapidash. He still remembered the nurse’s words “I’m sorry, but he didn’t make it.”

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