Chapter 10

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Gajeel dragged me down the hall, away from the dinning area. Every time Gajeel ran into or saw someone, he made a beeline for the destination farthest from them. I guessed he wanted us to be alone; and that scared me. What had Lucy meant by 'she's not ready!'? What was the man dragging me around planning?

We finally reached a secluded, dead-end hallway. There was a hall table with a beautiful bouquet of white roses in a golden vase and a room that led to I don't know where, I had never been to this part of the mansion.

I looked up at Gajeel who was still faced away from me, and still holding my hand. I tried to slip it out of his but he only gripped tighter, not freeing my poor little hand. "Gajeel, what're you-" He suddenly pulled me in front of him, which was between him and a wall. He then slammed his palms on the wall on either side of my head.

I gasped at the sudden entrapment, a sense of anxiety coming over me. I slowly raised my gaze to meet his, his eyes quizzical yet hard as they bore into mine.

"Do you know how hard it is, Shrimp?" He finally spoke after a few seconds of silence.

"W-What?" I didn't dare move.

"Seeing you casually walk around the guild unmarked, finally finding you but not being able to be with you, finally having you here with me but seeing what that," he moved my hair with his hand, his touch gentle. "bastard has done to you?" He hissed as his hand that was still on the wall clenched into a fist. His red eyes darkened. "You really wanna know what's going on?"

Now that I saw how scary he could be, I wasn't sure I did.


"You're my mate, Levy."

I stared at him, utter and total confusion clouded my mind. His mate? What the hell did that mean?

"Y-Your wha-what?" I gulped and pressed myself even tighter against the wall he still pinned me against.

"You're so cute when you're confused." He smirked before suddenly lowering his lips onto mine. I let out a quiet 'umph', staring at his now closed eyes in shock. I raised my left hand slowly before slapping him across the face, quickly ending the awkward kiss.

Taking my chances, I ducked underneath his arm and bolted down the hallway. Being small did have its perks.

I didn't even reach the end of the hallway, since what felt like an iron rod clamped around my waist, stopping me in my tracks. I let out a yelp as I was pulled back into a hard body.

I squirmed, pried at his arm, cried out, did anything I could to get away from him. He kissed me, and was now holding me against my will. I've had enough experience with Crowley to understand where this could lead. Getting away from him was my only objective. The words 'you're my mate, Levy' replayed in my mind and my heartbeat skyrocketed.

Oh, God, was he going to..?

I heard-no, felt, a literal growl resonating from Gajeel's chest. My limbs froze in their haste, now shaking in anticipated fear.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" His swears caused me to flinch, as if they could physically hurt me. "It wasn't supposed to be like this! You weren't supposed to be scared- I didn't- Argh!" One of his hands came up to rub his face in frustration, the other having no problem keeping me in place.

Seizing the opportunity, I cried out for help. There had to be someone there who could help me get away from this whacko. Suddenly, Gajeel's free hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my yells.

He paused, waiting to see if anyone had heard my yells. To my dismay, silence followed. Gajeel grunted then turned and lifted me off the ground with such ease, I let out a surprised squeak. He pushed into a room and closed the door, sealing me inside with my apparent 'mate'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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