Chapter 6

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Lucy whirled me through the maze that was the Fairy Tail mansion. "C'mon! We can get your guild mark first!"

I just followed her quietly, not even knowing what a guild mark was. I looked behind me and saw Gajeel and Natsu following a little ways back. Finally, the girl holding my wrist let go and I gazed around to find myself in a sort of lounge/bar area. Was a guild mark a type of shot?

"Mira?" Lucy called. "We need to get Levy a guild mark!" Suddenly a woman with long, wavy white hair stood up from behind the bar. I simply stared because well, she was gorgeous. Her sapphire blue eyes seemed to dazzle in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. Her hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Her long purple dress danced with every movement she made. Once her eyes caught sight of me, they brightened even more, if it was even possible.

"Oh, Levy! It's so lovely to finally meet you!" She moved from behind the bar and made her way to us. She took both my hands in hers. "I'm Mirajane or you can call me Mira."

Her smile was contagious. "It's nice to meet you." I replied politely, returning her sweet smile.

Mirajane looked to Lucy, "A guild mark, right? Of course. Just let me grab the things." She nodded to me before slipping back behind the bar and through a door. Right as she left, Natsu and Gajeel entered with the cats.

I turned to Lucy. "So what is this, 'guild mark' you want me to have." I questioned with a tilt of my head.

Lucy smiled and held up her arm to me, showing a pink tattoo of a fairy-like creature on the back of her hand. The same sybol that was on the front gate of the estate. "This, is a guild mark."

I looked at it then to the two men that entered, more so at their hands, expecting to see the same mark. But instead, they both turned and lifted their shirt sleeves, revealing black and red marks similar to Lucy's. I notably stared at Gajeel's bicep longer than I should've and I caught a smirk he sent at me.

Realization dawned on me and I turned to Lucy. "W-Wait, you expect me to get a tattoo?!" I wasn't exactly against tattoos, but I avoided them in case I'd regret it later.

"It's not a tattoo, but a mark, Levy." Lucy reassured. "A guild mark. It shows that you belong to the guild. Belong to the family."

I gulped. "Is this required?" Gajeel rested his arm on my head.

"Relax, shrimp. It's not like it hurts or anything." He mused, beginning to inspect my hair like he did last night. I was about to tell him off but that was when Mirajane walked back in with a box.

She placed it on the counter of the bar and beckoned me forward. I hesitatingly moved forward and Gajeel, Natsu and Lucy followed. I sat down and watched Mira go through the box before pulling out a stamp like object. "Now, what color would you like and where would you want it?" Mira asked me in a gentle voice.

I looked down at my body. "Erm..." I didn't want it on my hand for it to be too obvious like Lucy or on my bicep like Gajeel and Natsu. In a secretive spot. I wanted an unnoticeable color like pale orange or even white, which would hide well on my pale skin. "Do you have orange, pale orange, or white?"

Mira nodded, "I do indeed. In fact, I can do both." She stamped the object on an ink pad and it glowed for a second. That's going on my skin? "Now where?"

I turned around on the barstool. "On my shoulder blade?" I guessed that was the best spot.

Gajeel looked at me questioningly but I ignored him as Mirajane began to move my dress' strap off my shoulder. But I couldn't ignore Gajeel's sudden change of posture so his head was turned away from me and his arms were crossed, and I think I saw him gulp. I saw some sort of emotion in his eyes that I'd seen before; in Crowley's eyes. Geez, it was just my shoulder. Not like I ripped my dress off.

"It won't hurt." Mira reassured and pressed the stamp to my left shoulder, but as soon as she placed it on, it was gone. I looked behind me as Mirajane moved the strap back on my shoulder and handed me a mirror. She pointed to a decorative mirror on the wall and I walked over.

Lucy examined my new mark as I walked away. "Not bad, Levy. It actually suits you." She complimented.

"I hope so," I murmured and turned around, facing the mirror in my hand to the one on the wall and gasped lightly. On my shoulder blade was a symbol exactly like Lucy's, except this one was white with a orange outline. I, surprisingly, found it beautiful. Of course, I was still wary of it.

"Thank you, Mira." I looked back at the woman and gave a curt nod. Must be polite, I told myself.

"One step closer to being apart of the guild." Natsu commented. Everyone else agreed.

"What are the other steps?" I turned back around and noticed Gajeel's eyes were back to their normal, grumpy demeanor.

Lucy opened her mouth to reply but then the doors to the lounge opened and in stepped a beautiful woman. The woman from last night. The one with red hair and a elegant yet scary look. Natsu stood up straight, Mira turned and watched, Lucy walked toward the woman, and Gajeel, well he just stood as he did before.

"Lucy, Gajeel, Natsu, we have a job. But we need to go immediately. Have any of you seen Gray?" her gaze swept the room and everyone in it. Her eyes paused on me for a moment.

Lucy stopped and shook her head, "Erza, I can't go on the job. I'm sorry but I need to instruct Levy," she objected with a glance back to me. "But I'm sure Natsu and Gajeel can go. And knowing Gray, he's probably naked in a closet, hiding from Juvia." She smiled.

Erza nodded in Lucy's direction. "I understand. Natsu, Gajeel, let's g-"

Gajeel spoke up. "I can't." He said gruffly.

I looked at him, waiting for a reason but he remained silent. I looked at Natsu as he began to speak. "I can go, unlike metalhead. Won't be too hard to find icehead." He walked to Lucy and pulled her to him, kissing her head before murmuring something inaudible in her ear. Lucy smiled in return, kissing his cheek and sending him toward Erza.

Erza looked toward Gajeel questioningly but he only looked away, crossing his buff arms. She shrugged then turned and went to exit the room, but not before turning to me. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Levy." She smiled.

And with that, Natsu and her were gone.

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