Chapter 8

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I wandered throughout the castle, it was getting late. Sconces on the hallway wall were lit dimly and a window allowed some pale blue light in.

I decided to explore a bit after Lucy's 'training'. I knew it wasn't her fault, but I was actually really looking forward to learning more about magic. Of course, I was in a mansion full of other wizards who could teach me, but Lucy was really the only one I really trusted.

Well, her and...

No, no. He is not on my trusting list. He's the one that acted like a creep toward me and was the one that brought me here.

I stopped as I thought of that last part. Well, it wasn't like I wasn't thankful or anything... It was just weird. He must've known me while I was a Crowley's, but I don't remember his face. Then again, he did say that I wouldn't understand. At least, not until I understood magic more. This only grew my want to learn.

I looked at my hands. But could I really do it? Could I perform spells and be an actual wizard? I honestly didn't know. Neither of my parents were wizards and nothing magical ever happened to me. Maybe Makarov made a mistake...

"Shrimp, what're you doing up so late?"

I flinched and whipped around, spotting Gajeel down the hall, staring at me with his hands in his pockets. He wore a white collared shirt with an untied tie.

He approached me and I quickly straightened up. "I should be asking you that." I looked up at him as he stopped a couple feet in front of me.

The man shrugged, "I'm not tired. But you should be, especially after facing that water-witch."

"A-Aquarius? Was that her name?" I asked, recalling the godess like mermaid.

Gajeel nodded, taking a glance down the hall. "She's one of Lucy's spirits."

"Spirits?" I furrowed my brows. That didn't sound like magic.

"Blondie's a Celestial Wizard. They can summon spirits from the Celestial World with those keys." Gajeel began to explain. I recalled the golden and silver keys. They did seem mystical in some way.

"She makes contracts and they follow her in battle, or in anything she needs." He finished.

"Like slaves?" I shivered at that word. It reminded me of my time with Crowley. Suddenly my heart dropped, thinking of my poor friends back in that house, with him, the devil. All while I was here, learning about magic and enjoying a warm bed. It didn't seem fair.

I was knocked out of my thoughts as Gajeel readjusted his stance. "I wouldn't say that word in front of Lucy. She thinks of them more like family than anything."

Wow, that's a really unique type of magic. I just thought wizards could make spells with elements but, Lucy's magic sounds extraordinary. "So there's a multitude of magic types." I concluded.

Gajeel confirmed my thoughts with another nod.

I lowered my gaze, quietly wondering to myself. "How will I know which type'll be mine?"

I heard Gajeel chuckle and I looked up. He raised a hand and patted my head gently. "You'll know, shrimp." I smiled at the gesture.

Suddenly Gajeel's face went blank, staring at me. I tilted my head to the side, his hand still resting atop my head. "What is it?"

He stepped toward me, leaning down to peer at me. Intimidated, I stepped back as well, only to have my back meet a wall. He stepped closer again and I instinctively held my hands to my chest. "Gajeel, y-you're kinda freaking me out." I stammered, trying to at least get a word out of him. But he remained silent.

I told myself after I left Crowley's that I'd become stronger and less pathetic. Had this been anyone else, I'd have kicked them right in the crotch for even getting this close. But for some reason, with Gajeel, I couldn't move.

Slowly he grabbed a hold of my chin and turned it to the left. I became increasingly uncomfortable as he gazed upon my neck. This feeling felt all to familiar and I squeezed my eyes shut, preventing inappropriate memories from entering my mind.

"What the hell is that?"

I opened my eyes, looking toward him. "W-What?" I stuttered.

I flinched feeling his fingers suddenly come into contact with my neck. His fingertips lightly grazed a sensitive spot and I flinched again. Why was that so sensitive? Did I have a bruise?

Then I remembered. The night I left Crowley's house, Crowley bit my neck; marking me.

Don't forget who you belong to.

I shuddered as his words played through my mind like a broken record. That damn bastard still had to pay for this.

"Levy, who did this?" I opened my eyes at his voice, completely forgetting the situation I was in. Gajeel now had me pinned against the wall, one hand on my chin and the other tracing the mark on my neck, causing me to quiver.

I gulped, taking a breath. "M-My old owner." I answered quietly.

I felt his hand relax a little on my chin but then he suddenly let go of me entirely. He stepped away, muttering something under his breath that I didn't catch.

I watched him storm back down the hall, his fists clenched. He disappeared around the corner, leaving me feeling empty.

I slowly slid down the wall until I came to a sitting position. I hugged my knees, my face reddening as I revised what just happened.

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