Chapter 20 - [Metanoia]

Start from the beginning

"I'll be your girlfriend," I mumble the words, hoping he won't hear me but he did. He stops on his tracks and twirls back around. "What did you say?" I look at him straight in the eye and he is smiling, ear to ear. God, maybe I do like this guy. I mean he will be my first boyfriend. Ever. Will I regret this?

"I said I will be your girlfriend." I said it again, louder this time. His eyes go wide and so does his smile. He instantly wraps his arms around me, hugging me to his chest. My heart is beating too fast and I find it hard to even breath. He lets go of the tight hug. "Let's go on a date right now." I could see the gleam that flashes through his eyes.

"But it's almost midnight." I fail to look into his eyes and is still in a state of 'Am I trippin balls right now?.'

"Yeah, and we did just become a couple, we should go on a date right now." he whines as he pouts like a 5-year-old. Is this how he acts when he is in a relationship with someone? Where is the badass Taehyung? The Taehyung that swears and is mean all the time?

"Okaay... What do you have in mind?" I ask him.

"We can just walk to the convenience store and eat cup noodles?" he suggests already clutching onto my hand. I stare at our hands, intertwining each other and I could not help but feel very shy. His hands are so much bigger than mine and damn it's warm. Not as good as a hand warmer, but I could live with this. "Okay." I swallow the sudden bad feeling that I had and coyly agrees.

"So what did you talk about with Jimin?" he asks as we walk, side by side.

I thought we are already passed this topic. "Nothing really," I answer and he pouts.

"I don't believe you." Of course he doesn't...

"It's a secret, you don't have to worry about it." I assure him with a smile.

"That is what makes me more anxious. Come on babe, tell me." he begs.

"Oh no no no, I refuse to be called 'Babe'." I pull a disgusted face and he chuckles.

"What's wrong with calling you babe? Babe, babe, babe, baaabeee."

"This is all going to fast don't you think? I mean we just became a... couple like 30 minutes ago." A couple... Boyfriend... All this still sounds so foreign to me. And with Taehyung out of all people. I must be insane.

"We have been friends since we were babies, I don't think this is fast." he shook his head no.

"Yeah... Minus the bullying part and not talking to me for more than 6 years or so." I say, making a point.

"Not this again... I was wrong okay. No one is perfect y/n. I was a teenager going through puberty and I regret that things that I do, like most teenagers." He explains.

"What do you regret on doing?" I ask him, curious.

"A lot." his short answer is making me more curious. "What do you regret?" he asks me back.

"Hmmm..." I think about the things I regretted most. "Well, I regret not sticking up for myself." I say. These days, I have been so much more courageous and brave on talking back to Mina. I wonder what will actually happen if I fight her and the others. My school days would probably still be like hell, but there are a lot of things that I want to let out. Even to Taehyung...

We reach the convenient store after the longest walk ever. Though it doesn't really feel long, conversing with Taehyung has made me lose track of time. My stomach is grumbling the moment the smell of msg from the cup noodle enters up my nostrils. We both finish eating in a flash. Cup noodles are the best snack for the cold weather.

BOY WITH HORMONES (Book 1) // K.T.H x Reader [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now