"It seems that the new formula works well on you, doesn't it?" His Master spoke coolly, walking silently around the chair. "You heal much quicker than the rest." he paused, taking in a breath, "You run faster, see better, sense more. But do you know what else that means?" His Master stopped and looked down at the child.

The boy looked up, not making eye contact, and shook his head to the side. The blood from his lip flung onto the floor as he moved. He bit into it harder, holding back a whimper.

"That means," the man continued, "that we get to have much more fun in our little..."he waived his hand around in the air, "tutoring sessions than the rest." he finished.

The child released a small sob and trembled in the cold chair. He wasn't supposed to cry. He wasn't supposed to react to the pain. He wasn't allowed because Talon's don't feel. That's why he was in this room. He felt to much and they didn't like that. Talons were weapons, not people, and he needed to be reset.

The boy's master began to walk around the chair once more, tapping the metal with his clawed gloves.

"I think it's time we try a different method, don't you?" he grinned down at the young Talon, chuckling softly.

The boy's eyes widened in horror and his breath grew quicker. He wasn't going to...was he? The child's heart was pounding now.

"How's your swimming?"


-Flashback End-


Jason was sitting in his living room chair patching his wounds from the fight. Batman had managed to embed a batarang in his shoulder. It stung but he'd had worse.

Jason had been forced to escape. He had been fighting them for a while -Batman and Green Arrow- before Jason had heard the commotion behind the warehouse. At first he thought nothing of it, but when he was knocked off the roof and saw what it was. Well, let's just say you shouldn't of been in his path.

He had rushed over to the scene, attacking anyone in his way. Taking hit after hit, and yet, he had still failed.

Jason was worried and pissed. Pissed at himself for getting distracted and letting them take Nightwing. Worried about what happened to him. Why was he freaking out? What was the League going to do to him? Nightwing doesn't fair well with new people, Jason had figured that out right away. He just hoped the League would too.

He stood from the chair and tossed his helmet onto the coffee table, his domino mask following. Jason walked towards his kitchen to grab some much needed coffee. He filled his cup, leaving it black, and rested his hip on the counter.

Jason let out an angry growl and slammed his mug onto the granite. What was he going to do? He needed to get Nightwing back. Who knew what lies the League would tell him about the 'Psychotic Red Hood'. Jason didn't want to lose his new friend. His partner. He needed to do something. Jason hated to admit it, but he needed help.

He grabbed the burner cell from his pocket and dialed an old number. He waited in silence as the rings went by. Hoping the person would pick up.

"Come on, come on. Pick up already." he grumbled into the phone. Jason shifted his weight on the counter and picked up his mug again.

The ringing stopped, and Jason held his breath. He could hear the faint exhales coming from the other line.

"Slade? You there? It's me. How fast can you get here? I need your help with something. It's important."

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