Phantom rolled his eyes, "You do realize my wounds are healed right? Not only that but it's not the first time this has happened and it probably won't be the last."

Batman looked at Phantom, "It isn't just because of your physical injuries. Black Canary wants to do a mental evaluation and there are a few things we need to check out. You could have been killed if we hadn't done something, we need to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Phantom crossed his arms, "I'm already dead, it's going to be pretty damn hard for her to get me to talk to her at all, and I lasted a year last time. I'm not normal and the GIW are idiots, they can traumatize me but that's about it and I've already got PTSD. I don't care if you keep me here but at least let them go out of missions for Clockwork's sake."

Phantom turned on his heel to walk away as Batman mentally sighed, "Daniel Fenton."

Phantom immediately froze and Cujo knew what was going on, Phantom didn't turned around as he responded. "What did you just say?" No one was sure what Phantom's tone meant, they had never heard him use it before.

Batman actually felt slightly nervous, "I did some research and found out that two ghost hunters named Maddie and Jack had a son. He mysteriously disappeared and was proclaimed dead a year ago but no one ever found his body. Their son's name was Daniel Fenton, that's your name isn't it, that's who you really are."

Phantom took a deep breath as he remembered his past life, before he became Phantom. "No," Phantom looked at Batman over his shoulder, "Danny Fenton died two years ago." Phantom turned around again and started walking away again as he spoke, "That's not who I am anymore."

Phantom walked away and no one knew how to respond, they found out who Phantom used to be. Not only that but Phantom didn't seem to like being reminded of who he was but they didn't know why. Batman rubbed his eyes, he had no clue what he was doing when it came to talking to Phantom.

After a minute of just standing there Batman looked at the team, "I think it's best if I leave, see if you can talk to him." Then Batman left and the team wondered how they were going to get Phantom to talk to them. They all went as a team to try and get him to come out of his room, or even talk to them through the door.

Phantom didn't say a word, they couldn't hear anything on the other side of the door. They gave up for twenty minutes before they went in pairs to try and get him to say anything. Megan and Artemis went first, then Aqualad and Superboy, none of them got Phantom to answer them.

Kid Flash and Robin went last, they tried for over five minutes before Kid Flash walked off. The speedster had given up since Phantom never seemed to want to talk to anyone when he was like this. Robin sighed before he gently knocked on Phantom's door, "Phantom."

There was only silence, he tried again, "I'm the only one here right now Phantom. You don't have to talk to me but will you at least open the door, please Phantom." Robin waited for several seconds and he thought about giving up just before the door opened.

Phantom leaned against the door frame and he rubbed his eyes, "I'm surprised you haven't given up yet."

Robin frowned sadly and hugged Phantom for a second before he let go and Phantom stepped aside to allow Robin into his room. Phantom sat on the bed, which he rarely even touched, and Robin sat down next to him. Robin grabbed one of Phantom's hands and held it before he spoke, "Are you okay?"

Phantom sighed, "I'd like to lie and say yes but I can't, at this point I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I'm not."

Robin had to agree he would have called Phantom out on his bullshit if he had said he was okay. "Do you want to talk about it, you don't have to but if you do then I'm right here and I don't have anything better to do."

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