Weasels and fish [26]

Start from the beginning

I give Naruto an 'are you serious' look as he scratches his cheek sheepishly. "Sorry Ten-chan but see you're my best friend and..." Getting close next to my ear trying to be subtle but failing, he glances at the toad sage. "I didn't wanna be alone with a pedo old ma-" I muffle a snicker as Jiraiya bonks the idiot on the head with saucer eyes.

"OW WHAT THE HELL ERO-SANIN WHAT WAS THAT FOR DATTEBAYO!?" Naruto exclaims with saucers for eyes angrily. Jiraiya gains irk marks with the same expression. "YOU LITTLE TWERP I WOULD NEVER HAVE SUCH INTENTIONS!!"



As the two children bicker, I roll my eyes and walk ahead until I stood in front of some huge bells. "Woah those are big." I mumble before discretely snickering at my provocative thinking. That's what she said.

"WOAH WHAT ARE THOSE!?" A voice bursts from behind me making me jolt as I threw a sharp glare over my shoulder. The boy however ignored my lethal look and begins messing with the bells.

After Helping Naruto get unstuck from the bells, we all later end up in a town not far from the village. Even Naruto can manage to get himself defeated by bells. I internally sighed as this journey so far had been nothing but Naruto's yammering or dumb and dumber #2 arguing like an old married couple. We soon reached a town and once Jiraiya finished signing us in for a hotel, a lady comes walking past and Jiraiya and even Naruto start eye raping her. Rolling my eyes at their pervyness, I snatch the key from Jiraiya and pull a protesting Naruto away to the room. Unfortunately, There weren't enough rooms so we only get 1 room with 2 beds.

Now lounging on the bed I claimed as mine, I frown as the same feeling I had gotten back in the village arose. Grasping my eyes, I shake the feeling off once again wondering why the hell my dojutsu was acting up like this.

A few minutes later, a knock comes from the door and Naruto gets up to open it but I stop him abruptly. "Oi-" Pushing him behind me, the feeling I kept having was now pounding. I summon my katana cautiously at two above average chakra signatures, one was enough to rival Naruto's own.

"Naruto whoever that is, It's not Jiraiya." I mumble.

He gives me a confused look and goes to say something but is cutt off by the knocking.
Ordering him to stay behind me, I open the door slowly making sure to hide my katana behind it.

My eyes narrow even further at what I'm greeted with. There stood two men; A large blue tinted man with gills with a a huge wrapped sword strapped to his back giving off an immense amount of chakra. The 2nd man however made my eyes widen in shock for some reason and I unconsciously found myself muttering a name.


"Hm Itachi this brat seems to know you?"

Narrowing his eyes at his companions comment, The elder Uchiha's crimson eyes gaze into the Jikans orbs, before peering over her shoulder to look at their target.


Seeing their attention on said boy I deduct what these men want.

"Naruto-kun you're coming with us." The one I had called Itachi states calmly.

Pushing Naruto farther back in the room with my elbow I block the door way with a protective look, unable to stop my eyes from flashing.

The shark like man grips the hilt of his sword threateningly expecting me to back down.
However, they're  surprised by what I do next.

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