Transferred ?

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...........................he is gone forever

                      *After 5months *
Blink ^ Blink

I opened my eye and glare alarm .Ottoke !!! .... I will be late for my first day ....I rushed towards bathroom and took quick shower .

After that i changed myself into my school uniform ........i looked myself at mirror .....I am like a nerd .......... I look too ugly with those nerd glasses on my face .......... Aish ! Whatever Infront of the mirror I maintained myself and put the pin on my shirt which says " Lee Eun Bi "
Mean while when I was looking at mirror  I heard something weird ..Wait what was that....?

So my stomach is growling....I looked at my watch .....Its time for breakfast ! I went downstairs to eat what Eomma has prepared .

All of them were  on kitchen  table. Eomma ,Appa were waiting for me .

"Good morning !! " I said with my bright smile in my face .....I think I was happy to be transferred or not ...

"Good morning " Eomma replied ....Oh! Her smile ....which is bright as sunshine ....makes my day better .

"Oh! Good morning honey ! Have a seat " My dad said whose eyes were glued   on his phone .

We all started to have breakfast .

                        After some minutes

"Okay ! I am done ." I slung my  bag on shoulder ."Eomma ,Appa I am going"I waved my hand .

"Okay honey !! Good luck for your first day " Eomma said with her grateful smile .

"Yes ! Hope you will have nice day   " Appa said .Man ..... Still he is busy in his phone .

"Nae,Nae" I said .

Yes Eomma Appa whatever ....I hope it will be lucky day .

"Honey bye ......  !!" Eomma waved her hand by interrupting my thoughts

I also waved her back .


When i reached my new transferred school ......guess what this school was really something...its really big .I pass through the hallway but WAIT....i found someone glaring at me .......but not someone . everyone ...there eyes were darted on me.
And the background music started
"Oh! Look who is she"
"Who cares ,she might be new "
"Oh,so we got some new item to bully ...he he"
"Look at her dress up she is such a jerk !" She giggled and gave high to her friend

JERK...who do you really call a jerk . I tried to calm myself taking a long breathe.... Ah! Seriously this school is really a dumb place .

Finally after some struggle I found my class ...I sigh with relief .

I opened the door ...

As I enter the class ......student throwing paper ,passing notes,staring ,yelling, .Some were busy doing chit chat on their phone. Some of them were taking nap .

Some  of them were giving me a weird glare.

"Oh! Are you a new transferred student " he might be home room teacher

"Umm...yes" I said

"OKAY!! Class ..ATTENTION " Woah!! Man he has really loud voice ."Today we have new transferred student ...Introduce Yourself "

"Umm..Yes" I gave him a very weird  smile ....WAE!?

"Hi,My name is Lee Eun Bi ....I hope we all will have great bond with each other ...please take care of me " I said and bowed ....but still all of them were giving a glare if I am alien who came from another planet .

"OKAY !! Ms.Lee be seated there " He pointed an empty desk which is beside ............who is he?

I went towards my desk .I sat down .

I found that guy taking nap towards opposite direction of mine .

Who is this guy ...WAIT why do I really care .

I rolled my eyes and look forward .I took out my  notebook and paid  attention at Lesson .

As i was listening to lesson ...that boy who was busy taking his nap .... suddenly  raised his head....and yawned . Such a lazy jerk ...ugh!

Is he starring me he giving me a glare .?

"You ...what are you doing here ." That boy said who was still yawning ....but ....

Wait. a. second . This sound is so so  familiar .Who is he ?

I looked at him .....he was ........

My first chapter was quite short but I hope you like it .😁😁 and sorry for my mistake .....

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